T H E AT&T PA P E R S ~ ~ ~o~ ~ `3 \9iZ \oc\~o^ře, \ o5~fe: If any of you still have do~ bts about ~la Bell' J. F. Doherty and his rr.erty band of infected pork, this should clear them up. ~e above docurnent was re- cently sneaked out of the AT&T Penta~on espec~ally for YIPL. Examine the second paragraph. Bein~ the smegma that they are, they cle-v-erly used the -.vord "obtaint' for whst is really ~oerce. What they do is to scare people they catch by saying they'll presC lighter char:~es if ~ey f~nk out on their friends or ~PL We'd lor;e to tell you they lie, but the fact is that ''vhen the Cio ernment cromises immun~ty they grar~t it So ~ve consulted our la`~yers and haie disc~vere] son~ethin: very interesting. The Phone Co. has its ~`n la~v- Fraud by ~lire. You l~realc it, ar~d they d`:nlt ha~ie to press char~es, because it's a federa1 la~v. 13 - their schem.e backlTred this time, because ~t also rne~r.s tbat they cannot make an:r promises about pre sinJ char~es. If they do. and this is ~hat makes this stolen merno ir~portant, they are BREAKENG T~ LA~7, OUTRIGHT. And they d~ ~t, t~o, because Feepie d~n't understar.d all the facts. They are,exactl,: ~'\ S SeC e e ~ec ~S ~_ ^~e~ _~< o~ If y~u are appreached by the pL.one co., do not tell them a thing, but try to find out `~rhat they want, and after they ask you tKat fitst question, kick them cut. Refuse to say a ~vord. They are not police. They cannot arrest, subpeona, question or even ejaculate. Spealc to a lawyer, one who you can relate to. E-ien if they come wiEh police or campus officials, you do not have to answer anv questions or let them in, i! they don't have a warrant to scarch or arrest you. which they usaally won't. Too many people have been screwed by trying to out~uess or lie to them when they come to talk, so DON'T TALK. TELL THEM YOU WILL ~OT SPEAK TO THEM, AND IHEY SHOULD GET OUT. This in~urlates them more than anythir7. Make sure your friends read this issue, and understand that when you deal with pigs, you're bound to step in it. ~ 2 ~ 4 r~_ ,.S