A S URE C U RE FOR ~$~0 ~$ Ihe maJor cause of high phone bills are those little message units. The only areas wiEh undimited out~oing ser~lce are the golden ghettos; those who could aflord it but don't have to pay. Anyway, you can get aronnd many of those annoying message units with the Elack Box, also known as a mute, an Agnew, an ~coming device. The ~rsatile YIPL model is the simplest unit you can bulld, if you hsven't done so, get issue no. 11 and do it. The Black Box won't let you recelve calls {ree unless they are long distance. If they're local, and you answer on "Free'' youtll be disconnected in up to 20 seconds. However, many times we call friends just for a second to see if they're home, or to tell tbem to come down an open the door, or pick them ? bec~use thetr ~n just arrived. These calls often last ;ess tban 15 seconds, but they cost message units, and those little ~ggers add up. t~o offense meant). Ilere's how todo 1t When you're e~pecting your friend to call, flip switch to ''F - en and Ihen pick up. The phone will be ringing londly in your ear, but youál be ~e to hear your friend between the rings. Ihey should loudly give thetr message, between the rings, and han~ up. You can ans.,ler them if you want. E:ven if ~e phone is tapped, the beauty of this system is that those listening can't tell if the t~vo of you are simply on extensions at the calling party's house' And since your ffiend hangs up befGre you answer, of course there is no charge Sure, this isn't for long conversations, but it's easy, fun and saves money on those little message uni~. E`ren though ~ special, expensiv~ test unit can detect a black box on your line if they know you already h~ve one, it won't detect it at al1 if you use it like this for under two mir~utes, or fifteen rings. Don't hesitate to try it if you hsve a message unit problem each month Our black box plans are so easy that anyone, and you too, can build it for one dollar in 30 minutes. When calling to see if stores are open, friends are home, etc. , hang up the second you hear the phone answered and you won't ha~re to pay for the call, EVEN IF TH13 CALL IS LONG DISTANCE. Works great from p~y phones, all of them! Just thlnk, you may never answer your phone again' RERDER SUPFII EDI n ~ oeme'' on Dear Y}PL,personnel answer and ask caller to identity self, and then good souroe of overseas lnfo is l~he International Tele- they connect you to computor who reads back your number. ~n~ cations Unfon. Write for thetr list of R~blications Sometimes only during daytime. Ident(Reno)-444, Lake Tahoe- MJ, ~aoe des Natlons, 1211-Geneva 20, Switzerland 05˝) 211. SF Bay Area tonchtone check is 960-then last 4 digits of I recommend a)Llst of operator phrases, blInstrucLions for your line. When you hear dial tone dial 1 Ihrongh 0. If tones internatlonal tele. ser~rice, c)List of telephone routes, and and levels correct, "beep-beept' will follow. Dial 2 and hang d}T $nt o! telephone cables.up, and will ring tack. If Lt is true that Bell is making a record of incom~ng calls Dear ~1~,to called numbers ringing for more than 5 minutes, this can Ii ~U w8nt a great catalog of telephone equtptment en~tled, be an ~nvitation to really bug them by calling (locally) assor- ironlrQlly, "Control by tones" write to Bramco Controls ted places-stores at night, out~loc)r pQy phones, etc. Let them Division, Ledex, Inc., CoIlege and South S~, Piqua, Ohio ring endlessly and they'll make needless printouts or tie up 45356 or phone 513 773-8271. Ask for catalog 303 al}d BLš1- equiptment doing so. IJnable to conlirm that they're doing ~is etirls 201 and 204. Tell them you saw it advertised in Tele- but at least they're expertmenting with it. phony. It contalns e~rery possible tone the phone corn~ny Recent trick locally if they have you under suspicion is to ~ISCS &nd the3r ElA code. Keep up the good work. R. A have a foreman accompany ins~ler or repairIl.an to your lueson, Artzorm 'place. Joker is really a secur~ty agent and have been known to leave radio bugs on premises, not on phone line I know of Dea~ Phellow Phrea~c,one concealed behind head board in bedroom to get "pillow- l~vo queries l'or you. E1rst: L~ts say I wanted to caj1 a transit talkt. Never allow more than one installer on place, or if you c~untry. l~mow I need KP2. How do I go about using it? have reason not to allow them to enter-someone sick, scarlet Second: How do I verity a line once the operator plugs me into fever, etc. a no~te_t tr~c? OH W~nut creek Cal. ser\nce desk order recorder 415 937- Oh yes' ~be "Public" ser~rice Corrunission (should be the 2762. Codealone recorder that answers to repairman to call Public Screwing Commission) has O K'd a telco regulation that in thetr time of day ending. 'Ihese model 700 codeafones will if you ge two lir~es in your house, they must be~ the same type keep recording as long as voice signal incoming. They can be of ser~ce. They won't let you get an unlimited and a re~ar bugged by playing music for m~x. 45 minutes to fill up tape fone. Either one or the other. Must make more bux, you know. wEich they have to wade thru to check for regular info. One more thing; If you w~nt to get equtptrnent, any Ldnd that'Scheap way to get 2 lines in your home at lowest cost in Cal used Un a home, (touch-tone, trim-line, speaker-phone, card Get a one par~y ~ahrate ~ave it put on "vacation rate" which d~aler, etc. ) get a fr~end, or yourself, who ts moving in a few qood to max. 7 mon~hs that can then be extended indefinitely. weeks to have a bunch of goodies inst~lted. If it gets stolen af'ter,?Ossibility little ar~ument with b~lsiness office rep. that you're you move, ~ts not your fnult. Ma Bell eats tricky dick X ~ on vacation. Use lme for outgo~ng c~l, at half price. 'Then order Cne reader reports that he buLlt a black bo~c and 10, 000 ohms a cne party "survivel {one''which allows 30 mu. Have the one wa~ ~c~o low to discormect in his area. If anyone has ~oubt of party flatrate unlisted. The 30 mu. listed and for incoming calls their area, ~'st your bla^k box as, in the ~nst~ctions(issue 11). will cost $~. 25/mo. Ihe flatrate is $4. 80; v~cation rate $2. 40. Simply pick up your phor ~, and vhen yo~ ~et a dial tone, 5Witch~hus you get two lines(one 2-way and one outgoing only) to " F`ree". If the dial tone stops, cool, otherv/ise use a h~gher That's less tban the Datrate t~,o-way. Of course the 30 mu. can resistor, like 12, 000 ohms, or 1~, 000 ohr!~s ~r~ not to go 1ov~ere used for outgoing, no extra charge up to 30. Only catch is the tban 10, 000 ohrr.s. 'survival" [one not supposed to be in same "living quarters'' as other fones, but have it installed in extra bedroom that belongs to a boarder or to your "Aunt Minnie". Have them installed at different times. For the ~Keep up the good work departm~ ntt: SF Bay Area- Identification nurrber C40, ~ometimes plant f=1 {~~„