BUilD A [~NE RElAY R. -- _ TO R5™ ^~D GRE5N PHONE LINE WIRES Srn~. 1 CA QAC ITOR The Line Relay is a s~mple yet interesting device you can put on your phone line. It will do almost anything you want when your phone rings, such as t=-n on a light, answer the phone, turn off your stereo~etc. We will show some extension projects in future isoues. The phone ringlog is 90 volts AC, often superimpos- ed on 45 ~rolts DC. This 90 volts will operate a 115 V AC relay, which can in turn supply power from the power lines to any ordinary appliance. The relay is commonly available. However, a capacitor is needed to D~ isolate the relay coil from phone line. Without DEAR YIPL On the new type pay phones (single slot) you can make a local 10 cent =11 for a nickell Just when it's about to hit the triggering mechanism bang on the dial then bang it a few more times chan tap the reciever button till you get your dial tone. When you hear the dial tone the rli~ will not react to it so dial by hitting the reciever button. For example, if the number is 648-6003 tap the button 6 t~mes-4 times-8 tirnes and so on waiting a few seconds between each number. You c~n also get the number by tapping it 10 times for Operator, in some areas you can get the Operator by tspping out 211. -P. R. BROOKLYN- DEAR Y1PL The call hack no. in Chicago is 571-6, its the only Imown no. in existence. Also some new loop nos. work on the superNrised-unsuper~nsed me thod. Ihe last four digits are 9973-74. Any ex-. ~tween 271 and 973 are effecLiYe. For those tbat care, here are some switchman nos. (all of this is Chi- town) EM- 9952, LA 5-9952. J~st screw ar~nnd wich the exchanges and use 9952, and your bound to come up with a swiLchman somewhere in this city. Also for those who might like to know,a majority of t~e system here works on cross 1 paneling. I'm sorr~; at the passing of the ~rty in N. Y., back in January. I know, I hung ~n the night ihey fuckec around w~th the volume. But no need to worry, I'm ~ the process of establishi~g a party line in Chicago! -B from CXECA&O~ Also: the telephone co. news wire ser~ce no. printe~ in issue no. 16 is not free. Here's ore in Chicago though that is.(312) 368-8000. Listea in on the Bullst COIL o c A -~- cON,ACTs r ~.C. I ~_ h.0. RELAY TO WALl ~ft SOCKE- , . B ~ it Ihe relay will dra~v a dial tone even with the phone on-hook. The capacitor should be noc-electrolytic, and as many microfarads as possibLe; 5 should do nicely. The contacts of the relay can operate any circuit you want. The diagram shows how the normally- open and the normally~closed coulacts cen be used to light Lamp B and extinguish~a good word to know) Lamp A when the phone rings. In order to prevent the relay from "chattering" (vibrang rapidly up & down) you can loosen the relay spring slight~y or lncrease tte stze of the capacitor. The infLationary spiral is ~cing its toll around lhe world today, especially in the U. S. We blame greedy corporations, the prime exa~nple being AT&T. With aJ1 the profits thev are making, why are ceoole borrowing more and saving less? Because, friends, our public utility, the phone company, does not use the profits to improve phone service. As you can see by the chart, ~lore than 45lc of your #14 brass washer pays for profit and expenses wEich are unnecessary in a tme public service giving ~ee local service to e`7eryonetmarketing, ~art of accounting, interest, and regressive t~tion). In a socialist economy, the phone company wouldn't have to advertise(marketing expenses). It doesn't have to now I There's no competitionl As fAr as taxation goes, a poor person pays ~e same amount of tax on a monthly hasic charge as someone better off, even ~ough the tax goes straight to the governwent(and to the mi3;~ry waste). And local telephone serv~ce costs the phone company tba~t same 45~! Which means tbat a socialist economy would provide service improvements like ~is in the o~er so- called public utilities in this country. '.53 ~r ~ERE >~ov a 5LUG GOES.