no mORE WE TRY HARDER o n C D I S ~ R n ~ E ~ R I I S I D ~ODE 1'~ ~.~L ~, ,_ _~GREEN ~ SO - Th~s device will prevent outgoing long-distance calls on your telephorie or phone line. It was devised by a reader v~ho discovered tbat the local phone office in his area reverses the polarity of the low-voltage for one second after a long distance, or operator, or 211 call is dialed. Installin~ a diode, which does not permit current to flow through it in one direction, prevents this one-second re~rerse current from flowing and thus the phone acts a~s if it was hung up for tbat second. ~us you get a new dial tone. ~ see if it v~ill work on vo~r line, try it. The diode, which should be at least 100 volts and 1 amp, will gi~re you a dial tone if installed correctly, and will allow no sound at all if you put in backwards. In tbat case you should reverse the two wires. If you wire a switch across the diode, you can bypass it for special use, A magnetic reed switch in the phone can be used by placing a magnet near the switch for that critical one- second perlod after dialing the long-distance call. Ihen the magnet can be removed. Obviously one reason for publisbing YIPL ~s to do with free speech Free speech lL~se ~ "wh;y should anyone pey for ~ll~ng" and Eree speech like in '~ shouldn't any- one be allowed to print any Idnd o! informatLon they wau~t inclnding how to rip o~ the phone company. As rewaled in issue no. 14, the phone company is trying to bulld a ~e against YIPL. It is also moving on other grournds, namely to convince legislators to pass laws prohtbiting the pub~shing of this irlio. Many states, notably Callior- nia have already moved in this area. However, none of these ~ws has yet to be tested constitutionally. Neither YIPL nor Steal This Book nor any underground puWic- ation here has been prevented ~om publishing any info, namely because there are no New York lsws making it illeg~. I^st year throngh the determined eflorts of Gerald Schutzer ((212~394-4141)extension 3924) Legis- lative Representative for NYI &T, Assemblyman Robert F. Kelly (D) Brooklyn tried to rai~road jost such a bill into law. It passed the State Assembly and the Senate w~th little debate by o~rerwhelming votes) howover, GC)V. Rockefe~er twho uses a blue box) veLoed the bill. His reasons were basical1Sr First Amendment. "It does not appear desirable tbat conversation wEich might be direc- ted at theft of services be raised to the level of a crtm- inal act ~er se'~. Dersons in other states fighting similar statutes are advisod to get the fnll text of the ruling. Write to: E~ecutive Chamber, Albany, N. Y. Ask for Meworandurn #170 filed with Assembly Bil1 #10564~6-4- 721. Recently my closest ~iend had an unusaal experience on the phone. He wa~ ~ll„ng to the receptionist at a ma~or insurance company when a frea~ connection occured. As clear as day they both fonnd themselves listening to a conversation between ~o big narcotics dealers arranging for an exchange of a brown package containing raw heroin for $300, 000 in cash. The person with the heroin was to pull up to a midtown Manhattan newstand in a heavily populated area at 10 minutes before 8:00 P. h~ Re was to leave the pscl~ge on the newstand. Sunultaneously the other ~rt~r was to leave t~ cash in a folded up newspaper on the same newstand. The car was clearly ~dentilied as was the place.Ib make it even heavier, one of the dudes discussed having to bump off ~o people the night before. ~t was 4:30 P. M. My friend ~d 3 hours to come ~p with a plan. What would you h~ve done? The n next 3 hours were jam-packed with excitement and hets currenly working on a screenplay about the whole not-t~ be-bel eved event. What happened will be in the next ~ssue. Maybe. Thin touch-tone keyboa~rds with 12 buttons are made by Raytheon 12EF-20457 for $8. 25. They can be obtained from Connector Concepts, Bo~ 511, Port Wash~ngton, N.Y. 11050. Minia~re c~pacitors, smaller than the Sprague 192P, are made by U. S. Capacitor. Most are avallable wi~h NPO(zero capacitance change from -55 to +140øC.)Address:2151N. LincolnSt, Burbank, Ca. 91~. Many phreaks have e~pressed the Interest in contac~ng other YIPL readers in their area. lIowever, we won't just give out names to anyone who asks. There may be a way, however, and that is for anyone who wa~ts to meet other phreaRs to write us, and we~ll pair you up wiEh an- other phreak who has written us, then we'll wrlte the ~o of you and let you both know the other persons name and ~ ~ D A ~ / __ number or adress. ~f anyone has a better idea, let us / m I D 1~1 . ~Q~ - know, and we'H anocunce next month how we're doing it. T f O Mi a m i YIPL IS YIPL ~s anti-corpora~ ~chnology YIPL is how to dott YIPL is for you YIP~ is you YIPL is you sending in articles YIP~ is you teaching others YIPL is you yelling at us when we ssy dumb ~ings YIPL is us yelling at you when you don't say things YIPL is in need of your suprort, and your friends AT&T ar;d ~T w~nt to crush YIPL but they know that YIPL is growing into the whole lot of together people tbat YIPL is. J ~? '' '5' ~ .~ '~d A~ ~ t_J 1L