BO/COTY V =.T.T, =1~ ~ ~ PRODUC1~5 ! ," ~~~ - E^,' ~ UND F. Ruch 4~ teuf F^cio`~D ~/J, i- /Ie`J i.U Ar E4mf ~O ?. ~½~ lpf hwJ~r~77~ elf r`,~f (6ilt '_- Es ~1 ~ ^`IJ'~) 3. M." ~ H„ja Amor ~r) [f "~ -traf ~,resrs res e''p.~.r~ ~ccr'~';~ Lill L`r-~f~ A®) cl.Ap ei~ 5 5.' hll Af- _ ~ rAt`:. 4esrŽ`~c cvf c^~cs 5vfr~t o`~.< ~Well, h~_ {we are in the midst of the lWatergate, with aI1 kinds of ~ ~ hearings and charges and the ~, 'Hke, and e~rerybody trymq to see ~ /who at the White House is ~n~olved, ~_ when in fact t'he real criminals are not Ä_ even being mentioned I Impossible? Not ~n or r Amer I e AT&T ne Che - _ ~v1\ ake and Potomac Telephone Kompany was is~ e ry *E Lt~ way part of tbe Watergate bugging operation. nd ~HOLY ~ don't ~lieve for a mmu~ ~t The ~one ~m' ~s ~ helps police as a rule. AT!zT is N~xon's fr~end, ~SHlT ~ not Mc=vem's. AT&T ~es proá~ o~ 0' :/~ war, inBation, andwagecontrols, justas~' 11T, relate`1 to AT&T oulY by being a f huge ripoff Korporation, and by the f~c,' BUILD A $~ L0~8 CAUT1ON: TEES IS NOr ~ EDO=ROOF FONE TAP DETEC- TOR, but it's great for fInding out ~ all the e~enstons In your home are hung-up. So 1t you're going to talic about "Eonflden- tial MAt~rs" or otl~er „Dopee Sub~ects~ you're aure tbat when you say "I've got it m~w" no one else h~-n it too. To lnaure that all phones on vour end of a conversation are hung-up, construct the very slmple line voltage de~ctor ~own here. The ~ght bn~b is a 5 volt min\„hre type, such as a l490 or a no. 27. Ideal is the pone comE~ny's <7wn tIn5r alide-~ ~ps fonnd h mu}ti-button thold-button) F&ones. E`or the - , use a 470 ohm, lI2 watt resistor to lengthen tl~e liœe. The ~a~citor is a 50 m*~" lOO v~lts or greater electrol~c tgpe Get the parts out of a~ r~ or electrical store ~r about $2. Then connect each of the two contacts from tbc light to the two contact wires of the ca~,tor, and install both ~la~en the blne wire(inslde the phone) and the " F" screw, where the blue wire normally connects to. 13e care~1 not to touch other screws or wires with the new p~rts you lr~stall. Care~lly wrap up the connec~ons with tspe and close up the phone. Test the llght ~ picldng up the phone. The light wil1 llght, and ~ someone picks up an estension, it will go very ~m or completel~y out. HOW 11 WORKS: When a fone is In use(withalt a tiLack box) the voltage on your phone line drop~ to about 4 volts. I! t~ ~p is wired ~ shown, the 4 volts will flow through it wLen the phone ~ pIcked up. If another phone is used, the llne drops to only 2 volts, and tt~e ~ght ge~ weaker. ~ other phone, however, must be on vour phone line, and not, for ex~e, on the line of a friend youtre taL~ng to. Ihe capaci~or allours the high ringing ~ltage to pass aronnd the l~mp, so ~at the bulb s not acc~dentally f~zed if the poone ~s picked up durlng a ring. You can lnstall thls in ar~y nor=~ ~ phone, even lf already ec~utpped wi~h a black bos (Issue 117. The light will not llght during free long-distance calls, h~wover since we don't ~ke free long-distance c~ t~t's a minor prol~lem, no? 1 23::) ~ I__~\ I _ that ~'s anti- trust brlne ma~ce~ 1` f the other hidden criminal in Water- J / gate. Nixon and poli~dcians go on '_ / trial, but the real criminals go lon Wel~re-with you foobng th~ bill. ITT'sother relationsh~p' to '.~&T is tbst they buy used, beat-up phone booths œrom Bell for Soutb Am- `' ericansl l~T's Memphis credit card is 525 8406, 187 K(Area Code 9011, Don't buy Morton rozen shit,Avis, I ~onder, Hostess, J or stay at a `' Sberaton Inn. | Tell all the / people you | meet to do the re~"s " - ~ P~ ~ \ ~ \1 ~ / llsureuLe ~ ~ ~ I RestsroR~_~ ~DF ~ | i ~ IJLUC Wl8E '~r,~^ ~ ~l. If resistor ~s not needed, simply replace it with a plece o! wire