1 No fancy excuses: We changed our name becausc we want people to know wLere we really are and what we hope to become. Technological Americen Party is rapidly becoming a people Is warehouse of technologrical informatlon, and a name li}ce Youth Internation~ Party Line strnply didn't ring a bell, even if you were trying to find out how to contact the phone phreaks, except of course for ~e Party Line. We've been recelv~g so much information lately about gas and electric meters, locks, e~ren chemistry, tbat a name change is definitely in order. We seriously doubt that phones will cease to be our main interest, but it really ian't fair to ignore the rest of what science has to offer us. Because so much varied inform~tion wlll begin to De co~rered and researched, the newsletter will try to mainly eover items of the most general interest, as it always has. In addition, we will start prepar- ing more reprints of the ''fact sheet" t~rpe, so ~at those of you who destre certain areas of hfo can getit. W8at we need ls for YOU to contribute ideas. We want to h~ow what you know, and what you want to know. An~ fLeld, and we mean anvthino . tbat would be d~ficult or impossible to learn about is a likely candidate. Ihis means tbat, as usual, we will be covering information about subJects that happen to be illega1 as well as legal activities. Na~rally, we don't advocate performing illegal activities, though our readers sometimes do. There ls a question as to whether a ~ee societ;' cen even ban advocacy of illegal acti~ties, but our policy of disclairning ~e stuff comes flom a bellef that telllng poo~le what to do is lce teLling them what they Can~t do. All of our information comes from readers. yo~ don't help your fellow readers, we'll have to put out blan}c issues. So start opening up other flelds, such as the ones mentioned above and any- thing else tbat you thir~ needs research~g and dis- tributing. Remember- TAP is an equal oppor~T~i~ destroyer. no.~' Jury indic~s presiden'ofphone firm SEA1~ (AP) Ä Da`4d ': Haary, preddent of tbe Whl~ey Telepl~ Co., ha' ~een h~ct~ by the federal ~rand iwy on cherges d raud. The panel returned an in. hctment Tuenday charg~ng {emy, U, ~Kh eiBht counts Jt w" f~ud "d t~ coUT" ~f ~te~ phano c~b rom cu~en. It ~ Hemy of devi~ h~ "em® to dd~ud ~n. enl Td~hone Co., Pac~t~c Nor~west Ball "d the o - - ent nrm Americu~ Teie~ Dhone ani TelogrepA Co., o( rn~re ~ tlOO,000- Convietim on ~I chrrge. uouid rmutt in a m~x~mum ~ente~ce ot 50 year' in pr. ~n and S2l,000 n fhes. A report ~n the c~e wu' : - ~ied h ~ a~bted ani- cle We~day by d~e Secttde Post l~l~er. lbo d~ ®ac~ l~o b~ ~em ~t by ~da Dmdent telepb~ eoD~p~ for calls plmet thmuch tho 1~ d 1erger t~s. ~Jnder the nrrangeTnent, d~o Inde. p~dent f~ psy' the ler~e a~mpany the revenue mr "ch ca! ol ks' than tirso mhote, but geu a lerger unount baclc from d~e larger compeny. ~a isdic~ment claun' thC HaDny h~hted thc ~umber ot ~ al~ o~ - ~ ob~b l~y inut" a htEher sharc oL rECHl~JOLOGICAL L1~ AMERIC PAR7Y 1 Ä ~ 'Ä Ä 1 _~: ~ ~ __ august~sepiember 1973 Dear YIPL; You may be interested to know that, according to the little booklets 'Pa Bell' sends out to its stockholders, a phone call from a pay-phone costs them 7 1/2$. This includes buying thetr equipmer~t from Western Electric (whorn they own switch, hook and dial). That means they get 2 1/2½ as free money. Also, at the end of '72, Bell owned over 105 million of the world's 300 million and the U. S. 's 128 mil- lion. Ihere are also 1800 independent Telcos to divlde what's left. -P. A., Tucson- DE'ENSE FUND As you probably have heard, Abbie's been husted for allegedly selling cocaine to some agents, and the D. A. has made it pretty clear tbet this isn't just another bust. It's to put Abbie away for life and make a spectacle of him. He and the other defendants intend to challenge the laws classtf~ing cocsine with heroin and they're going to need money to do it. We know most paaple think Abb~e has a lot of money, but hets almost broke. [t took 4 weeks {o raise bai~ TAP readers hsve a lot to be srateful to Abbie for. Without him this newsletter wouldn't exist. ~Aside f~om giving away over $100, 000 from book sales to political groups, Abbie has donated time and money to this newsietter, with no intention of it bei:'g a~ ego booster or the source of a fu~re de- fense fund. We should return the favor and help him out. Let's let him know tbat TAP readers support him. Send whatever you a®1 your friend!s can af~ord to Abbie Hoffman & Friends Legal Defense, cJo Gerald LefcourttAbbie's lawyer}, 640 Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. 10012. If you c~n, try to l et others know about the legal fund so they ca~ help,too. Tharšcs. ~f all you can afford to send is a buck, please do it. "ve~ ~ ~r" to ~ ~. ll~e pvem~ al~o ® - t~ tl~t I}~ sat up ~ ~ ~h ~e Wh1~ey tel~ e:xch~ge ~ pensiUed h. ~ pioya ~b n~ake td~s~ea 1~4 ~c. c - . BEGINNERS ONLY! You can now learn abou'. Electronics eas~y and quic~cly with our new Correspondence Course. The flrst one is on na~ic Electrica} Concepts and includes a few TAP-t~rpe projects and easy-toaread explana- tions of electricity. 13y reading t~n and others com- ing out each month you'11 learn how to bnild anv of the projects tbst have been printed by us in the past. You'l1 learn how to read schemaUcs, buy parts and materials chesp, safety, etc, You can no longer say tbat what we publish Us above your head because a~ beginner can learn from these courses. Wo¯n are espec~lty urged to ~ke the course as they usnally hsve a fear of electronic conc~epts and this ca~rse will be understood by all. Let's hear from youl It'n like a hack Issue and is 509, and free if you can't afford it(let us know). ~ 235