r~ CtlNOI OGICA I AJ~ ~ RIC~N ~A.rr ;!r r To re & green ~ phone line wires S~mO AGNEW- is it really an anagram-GROW A PENIE? ~ ? -CCR- Dear TAP, BeU's PR dept. has free Olms available on various topics such as TASI, ESS, E[)DD. Call up telco bus- iness office, and say you would like to find out about renting phone co. educationa1 films Put on your best Sunday School voice, and tell them tbst you're in charge of programming for your church youth group (that's how I fonnd out). [f they ask what chorch, have a name ready. They have a nice brochure, and some of the films are very informative. Have you ever mentioned the ~ct that out-of-city phone books can be obtained free from Pa7 Just c:all the business offflce and say you want to get a phone book for another city. They'll switch you to the rep. for your exchange. Give her the info, and she'll~or he'll) get your name & address. I! they ask why you want it, just say that you've jost moved from there and have a lot of friends there. When they ask if it's a business or residence, say residence(they charge businesses more). Dear TAP, Just thonght you might be interested in a few pieces of information. First of n11, a guy named Dial hns invented a lie detector that can be usea over ~e phone. Fun, huh? It measures the strese in a per- son's volce. He also said that he had sold them to P. D. 's, Gov't. agencies and Big Corporations I What corporation has more voices to deal with and is larger than our friend Pa? Don't get stressed when callingl Right] For you bugged phreaks, Samuel Line, Jr., Vice-President of a Bell subsidiary in Penn., says, ''We have been historically against wire-tapping". However, Bell provides a line to the FEI if needed direc~ly from the taee's home. You can beat the sirnplest type of bug tA trans- mitter in ~e phone~s microphone) by ripping a new mic.off rom some other phone and replacing your trarlsmitter with it. If you bang a payphone long enough, the mic. will loosen up. Keep up the go~d work. 1 238 (~ ~_ +- ~ * ^~ OCIOBER73 ~ ~ no.22 ~ ~r" ~wsL`rres r~r ~ ~ UIIO INE ~IIS.EROO 1 watt, 1 000 ohm, Resistor ~ . Relay 1 ~ ~A" Contacts ~ ~_ ''B" Contacts 1 ~ 1 '~? 5 MId/400 Volt Capacitor _ _ lU~11 - - - Relay 2 Piug .~- t r ~ Lamp The Answeroo is a handy device offered by no one (yet) that answers your phone before it rings. This is especially usefal to lovers who live in their parent's homes and lce to call each other l~te at night. Instead of the phones in the house ringing, a light or other ap~ pliance (radio, TV, etc. ) comes on. You c~n then qo tc, the phone, turn off the Answeroo, and ~lk. Relay 1 is the 1dne Relay(Issue #17). When the phone rings, it sends current to Relay 2 and ~e lighL Contacts `.Bi' lock Relay 2 on, and Contacts "A" put the phone on holdlnot free). Using a SO volt zener diode in place of the 1000 ohm resistor would give a "Iree" hold until you ans- wered the phone, w~ess you then answer with a R~c~c Box(lssue #11). The single-pole, single-trow on-off switch, two 115 volt AC relays (one of them should be double-pole, the other single-pole, for relays 2 & 1 re- spectiveiy~, the 5 mid non-polar capacitor (200 volts or more), and a resistor are all you need. Cost-under $15. Have fun! ~\ M^~ YOU~ OW~ WO~LD. M^~t THL WO~LD YOU "W^~T BY DOI~IG WH^T YOU W^~IT.