HEL P IS NEEDED TECHNOLOGICAL AMERICAN PARTY We nead info on the foll~wing subjects for ~Lure articles in TAP. Automatic Blne Boxes- With info abot where they're nec- essary. tiendina klachines- Locks, getting stuff, etc. Locks- New cede books, picking Medeco, Sargent Keso, tricks, etc. Radio- Setting up your own station, transmitter schematics and bullding jammers, info on pirate station legal hassles. Bur~lar Alarms- Such as Holmes and other central station alarms, bypassing, electronic keys and picking,etc. Also, Ma~mets. Overseas Phreakina and Chemistrv. Dear TAP- Your advice on turning back Con Ed meters by hand is great-been doing it for years. However, you should men- tion tbat when turning the dials back, one should be verv carefal not to tauch or even slight~y rub the face of the nleter. Ihe black ink used to form: ~,~ (7 3) N0.24 DECEMBEá 1973 60' ~P~U 0~r srusun m~kte ue fr't ~t of lny'z'0t, und ztat Zl~'~ny m' fr~l wl'Pu m' r~t 0~hr 1974 Crrb't (aarb 01~! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O N X Z A G S Q F U J To use this c~e, aUd the citr code and then the code letter to a phone number of the desired ~,rpc~ration. The lett~r is deterrnined by the ',th digit of the phone number. Exam- ple- Litton Industries in Los An~:eles is 273-7860, Are~ Code 213. The code Icr Los Ar.geles is 134, and the Sth digit is S. The Credit Card Nurnber is 273-7260-134 F.HoN poople make calls is outlined in the Credit Card F~ct Sheet. Dear TAP, I have noticed that all the envelopes I have received from TAP have been opened. Twice they were resealed with a 1~t smodges very easily on the wEite backgronnd-They must 3f glue, and once the envelQpe was just taped up loosely, use a special ink to get that effect. Also the white back- after being opened at the top. It ssems someone has made ground stains eastly from the slightest touch. Smudges put it thetr duty to monitor private mail. Is this leg~ ? Maybe the meter reader on notice that the meter has been tamp- some of your readers ha-`re had this same problem. ered with.Ihe number of the American Embassy in Moscow is 252- The scal on the meter can be replaced so it will look un- O011. To test Blue Boxes, dial KP 402 009 ST, then dial touched if you use comwon sense in cutting it {Any one know KP 11 + digits + ST, up to 10 :1igits. Ihe computer will how9) But if there are smudges the meter reader closeLy read back the numbers you dial correctly. 901-725-9021 is exarnines the scal, which he wouldn't ordinarily do, and a test # with the s onnd of a train. thenputs Con Ed hip to the garne. This happened to me once -TEXAS- and I don't know their next stsp since I moved (for other Ed. Note: For two years -~re have had problems `~ith our reasons) right after Con E:d put in a new unsmudged meter mail, ~s you all know. But getting it intercepted by E3ell is with a new seal. But that is the only way Con Ed ever another story. ln 1972, one reader reported that Bell sec- caught on in about 5 years. You should advise part~cipants urity men knocked on the door and acked if they ~rere the to be careful not to get caught since sect. 165.15-5 of N. Y same person whose initials had appeared under a certain penal law states "with intent to avoid payment. for a letter in YIPL. They sald, ''We know you receive YIPL" charge. . . measured by a meter he tampers with such device (now TAP, of course). Another reader overheard Bell sec- or related equipment or in any manner attempts to prevent urity calling thetr employer and saying,"He receives a the meter or device from performing its measuring functior newsletter called YIPL, which is part of a national conspi- . . . " is a class A misdemeanor and wlth a legal ald lawyer racy of about 600 people". And we recently learned that in youlB do the ma~imum sentence of a year a bust, a Bell man was carryin~ an Issue of TAP address- Also in anv payphone, a 1/4" brass washer works for a ed to the bustee, THE ONE ISSUE THAT TETEY D=N'T dime-not by putting ~pe over the holes which rarely works RECEINJE Ihis is totally illegal without court order, and but simply ~y spitting on the washer; both sides. It takes we are sure tbat some of the above cases wer„n't ordered some practice until you learn just how wet to get the wash- by any court. We are examining several possibilities at er, you may have to drop it in the slot a iew times. Use a this end, but any of you can pick up a few bucks if you have lJ4~'brass washer-not a #14, which is the same diameter, a witness to evidence of mall tampering witl~out a court but has a bigger hole. I have never yet used a phone that order, and institute a s~it against your local pigs. If any didn't work on these. Works best on phones wlth lever coin of you know of direct evidence liking Bell or Post Office returns-knob return phones must be tried a few times. officials wlth mall tampering, let us know about it. Keep up the good work. Fuck them all P. S. - If you wrap some drano in aluminum foLl then drop (3 Youth Hot Line Reports, Inc 1973 the foLl ~n water, hydrogen is produced. Don't know what Movement groups may reprint with TAP's address and COnCe:ltratlOn iS exploslve, but it has possibilltles-dropped please send us copy of reprinted work. in a tadet, quanUties of explosive gas are produced Publ~shed for Informatlonal purposes only by Youth Hot Line Reports, Inc. l -TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF i ~1 1 99e 1 , _