BENEDIKT HˇRLIN MEP T h e y h a v e ~ h e k now h o~ but do they have the know-why?' Reeort on the meeting of 'computer freaks' or~anized by GRAEL on 7 and 8 March 1985 in Brussels _________________________________ 1. A'ms To bring together experts and practitioners involved in the use of computers in grass-roots organizations and Green/alternative parties in corope; Dissemination of information on Community and EP data management and consideration of its possibLe use for our members; Report and discossion on various projects in~ol~ing the use of the new mPdia to collect, manage and exchange information; Consideration of possible areas for cooperation. . Particieants Some 30 people from West Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark (see List of participants), brought together by chance and personal acquaintanceship and representing parties and organizations, computer specialists from various cooperatives, alternative projects and their associations and independent Leitwingers, whose work ;nvolves computers and who are interested in using this knowledge in other areas. As opinlon formers and people famiLiar with the national tscene' in the v~iriou; countries they wouid be welL able to form the core of an alternative computer network in Europe. 3. Pro~ramme _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ As ~xpected, a relativeLy large amount of time was taken up with introductions and short presentations of individual projects. The following uses of computers were among those cliscassed: Administration' both by parties for members and finances and business accounting. In the parties this purely organizational, conventional use of EDP is either being introduced or has aiready been in operation for one or-two years. C - 9