UNBREAKABLE CODE By Roger Rapoport Urere you the sort of kid who loved to fiddle with a secret~ode ring? Do you send messages that you wouldn't want business competitors to intercept? Perhaps you cringe at the thought of a tax audit. If so, you're going to love this. For years now it's seemed that the Silicon Revolution would leave us all naked to the world. Anyone with enough nosiness, gall, and the price of a big computer can build an electronic data base that contains more information about us than we can remember ourselves. The insurance industry has done it. So have the credit bureaus. Some government agencies do little else. Now the computers that helped rob us of our privacy are giving it backÄwith interest. Two cryptographic geniuses have made the break- through that code builders have dre~ned of for cen- tunes: They've invented a practical code that can't be broken. Once you've coded your information, no oneÄnot the CIA, not the NSA, not even the IRSÄcan figure it out unless you've told them how. With the right programming, most hame computers could code and decode messages. But without the key, even IBM's biggest number crunchers could work far ~nto the next century without unscram- bling them. It's enough to make professional snoops weep. In fact, they've spoken out publicly against nongov- ernmental code research, interfered with patent ap- plications, and even threatened un~versity-based cryptographers with prosecution under the State Department's International Traffic in Arms regula- tion. Now the Defense Department is seeking the power to review articles on cryptography and to ban publication of any that it considers too ~nformative. This round in the battle between privacy freaks and code breakers got started when Martin Hell- man, a thirty-three-year-old Stanford University professor of electrical engineering, linked up with another code junkie, Whitfield Oiffie. Schooled in symbolic mathematical manipulations at MIT's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Diff~e had left an industry job in California to search informally for the perfect code. After studying the classical litera- ture, he camped his way across the country, visiting all the major centers of cryptographic research. Each night he examined the latest technical papers from university and corporate labs by firelight. At IBM's Yorlctown Heights, New York, lab, a scientist suggested that he look Hellman up back in California. "When I arnved in Palo Alto," Difhe 4B 1 recalls, "I called Hellman, and we each immediately found the other to be the most informed person in this field not governed by federal security regula- tions." The problem they were trying to solve is lodged deep in modern code practices. Most coded messages these days are sent from one computer to another over telephone lines. For confirmation, they are also sent by couner. But that doesn't come cheap, and it often means delays when long dis- tances are inYolved. A computer-wise thief who's wormed his way into a bank's message network can vanish with millions of dollars before anyone realizes that his orders to transfer the money weren't authorized. Worse yet for government cryptographers, there's always a chance that the courier will be intercepted or will defect with the message. Then there are the electronic eavesdroppers. The National Security Agency has computers tied into long~istance telephone links all over the world. The moment a phrase suggesting a topic that in- terests the agency appears in a conversation, the NSA's tape recorders kick in. Similar equipment monitors data-processing lines here and abroad. Anytime someone makes a call or sends a wire, the NSA can listen in. New equipment will soon enable the a~encY to read mail. even before it's sent bY . . . . . . . . . catchlng ano mterpretlng an electnc typewrlter s vibrations with remote sensing equipment. And Yir- tually anything the NSA can record, the agency's computers can decode. Hellman and Diffie concluded that the majar ob- stac]e to secure trans~rnss~on of data over telepro- cessing networks lay in distributing the key, the in- structions that tell the recipient how to decipher a message. "Traditionally," Hellman explains, '`keys have been moved by couriers or registered mail. But ~n an age of instant communic~tions it was unrealistic for computer manufacturers to ex- pect customers to wait days for the code to arrive. What was needed was a system immediately access- ~ble to users who may never have had pnor contact with each other." The idea of sending coded messages to total strangers seemed impractical at first. "In the past," Diffle says, "cryptography operated on a strongbox approach. The sender uses one key to lock up his message, and the recipient has a matching key that unlocks the meaning. As Hellman and I talked, we became intrigued by the idea of a system that used two different keys~ne for enciphering and a sec- ond for decIphering. This method would operate like a twenty-four-hour bank teller. Any depositor can open the machine to put his money in, but only the bank has the combination to unlock the safe." For a long time now messages have been trans- lated into high-security codes by converting the