README Da Capo 1.08 =================== Copyright: Francisco Mendez Eduard M”rike Str. 6 Tel. 07531-72210 D-78467 Konstanz Germany or at Maus-Net: Francisco Mendez @ KN (C) 1992-94 This program is shareware. You can use and distribute it for private purposes. You may not change any of the folliwing files distributed: DACAPO.APP the program/accessory DACAPO.RSC resourcefile (German) ADRESSEN\DACAPO.ADR some adresses ADRESSEN\PLZ.LST list with towns ADRESSEN\INTER.LST list with countries ADRESSEN\TYPES.LST list with groups ADRESSEN\ANREDEN.LST list with salutations ADRESSEN\DACAPO.PRT default printer driver ADRESSEN\DACAPO.RPT report definition PRINTER.TOS selfextracting archive, containin more printer drivers PRINTER.ZIP the same, zipped README.TXT this file If you use Da Capo more than three weeks, you have to pay your share. 30.- without manual 40.- with manual (only German), written by Heino Hansen (Shift) Francisco Mendez Sparkasse Konstanz BLZ 690 500 01 Kto-Nr. 395582 Installation: just copy DACAPO.APP, *.RSC, *.INF and the folder ADRESSEN\ to any location on any drive. If you want use Da Capo as accessory, rename its extension to *.ACC and put it together with *.RSC/*.INF onto your boot device. If you want to use the English version, use the English version DACAPO.RSC from the folder ENGLISH instead of DACAPO.RSC. A French version is also available. Sorry, but I couldn't translate the documentation and the help-file, maybe next time... Francisco Mendez, Konstanz, April 14th 1994