Commercial Union Unit Trust Management Company Limited

Management Company Contact Information

for Branches see: Branch Contact Information


Commercial Union Unit Trust Management Company Limited.

PO Box 3555, Johannesburg 2000

4th Floor, Commercial Union House, 26 Loveday Street

Johannesburg 2001

Contact Numbers:

Telephone: (011) 491-1911

Fax: (011) 833-1988

Toll Free number: (0800) 11- 0004

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Management Company Structure

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Boland Bank


A M D Gnodde (Chairman)

R R McL Wanless

D B Poole

D G Eriksson

R C Hellig


R R McL Wanless Fund Manager (011) 491-1911

A C T Murray AGM Investments (011) 491-1691

A J Schaap Portfolio Manager (011) 491-1706

A P Boy Marketing Manager (011) 491-1263


B Severin Manager (011) 491-1329

A J Botes Administration (011) 491-1137

V Daya Administration (011) 491-1607

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History of the Group

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Commercial Union plc was founded in September 1861 and is represented in over 80 countries throughout the world where it is involved in the life assurance and savings markets as well as non-life risk insurance.

The South African company started as an agency in 1862 and in April 1979 it was listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Today it is an extensive financial services organisation.

Commercial Union of South Africa Limited offers the full range of financial services of which the core business is general insurance and life assurance but it also has strategic interests in property and equity unit trust management as well as proper ty development. It has total assets under management of just under R9bn.

Commercial Union entered the unit trust market in May 1991 when it acquired A A Life's general equity unit trust fund - Allegro. The name of the fund was later changed to Commercial Union Equity Growth Fund - C U Growth Fund.

Branch Contact Information

See also: Management Company Contact Information

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12 Lakeview Place, Kleinfontein Office Park, Pioneer Drive, Benoni

PO Box 56, Benoni 1500

Tel: (011) 422-1470

Fax: (011) 421-7697

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4th Floor, LT Trust Building, 7 Elizabeth Street, Bloemfontein

PO Box 2909, Bloemfontein 9300

Tel: (051) 448-2215

Fax: (051) 448-9801

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8th Floor, Pier Place, Heerengracht, Cape Town 8000

PO Box 7900, Roggebaai 8012

Tel: (021) 419-6315

Fax: (021) 21-5395

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25th Floor, Durban Bay House, 333 Smith Street, Durban

PO Box 827, Durban 4000

Tel: (031) 304-8033

Fax: (031) 304-8943

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11th Floor, Caxton House, Terminus Street, East London

PO Box 1000, East London 5200

Tel: (0431) 43-5357

Fax: (0431) 43-5957

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4th Floor, CU House, 26 Loveday Street, Johannesburg

PO Box 3555, Johannesburg 2000

Tel: (011) 491-1911

Fax: (011) 833-1988

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CU House, 171 Berg Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201

PO Box 339, Pietermaritzburg 3200

Tel: (0331) 42-7012

Fax: (0331) 42-7165

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3rd Floor, Standard Bank Building, Landros Mare Street, Pietersburg

PO Box 3597, Pietersburg, 0700

Tel: (0152) 295-4604

Fax: (0152) 291-2083

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Commmercial Union House, 81 2nd Ave, Newton Park 6045

PO Box 27815, Greenacres, 6057

Tel: (041) 35-1653

Fax: (041) 35-1673

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2nd Floor, 1064 Arcadia Street, Hatfield, Pretoria 0083

PO Box 12787, Hatfield 0028

Tel: (012) 342-0171

Fax: (012) 342-0177

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