UAL Selected Opportunities Fund

Unit Trust Information

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Date of inception: July 1987

For investors wanting higher returns, recognising they involve higher risks, this fund provides the benefits of long-term investment in smaller South African companies and medium to long-term investment in large cyclical and recovery situations.

Investment Structure

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The portfolio will normally be at least 80% committed to shares, selected mainly from JSE listed companies that are ranked between 25 and 250 by market capitalisation. It will also contain shares in other companies operating in cyclical industries, or whose share prices have under-performed and are expected to recover.

Investment Objective

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To provide returns that are significantly greater than those achieved by the average general equity unit trust. This portfolio differs markedly from general trusts, as its performance can vary widely, in both directions, in the short-term.

Annualised Returns

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Annualised returns for period ended December 1995:

1 yr 17.89%

3 yrs 26.50%

5 yrs 26.77%

7yrs 24.04%

Fund Manager

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Richard joined Barlows as a trainee and worked at this organisation for four years. He began his investment career at UAL in the Research Division and moved into Information Management in 1987. Richard is the Chief Investment Officer responsible for making and implementing strategic investment decisions for all our clients. Richard is also a committee member of the Investment Analysts' Society.

Other UAL Unit Trusts

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