Security issues: **************** ZIP -AV (applies only to ZIPped edition) ----------------------------------------- The ZIP archive you just opened contained an -AV envelope. Authentic files Verified! # OBD305 MetroNET BBS If the archive fails the authentication test, please do NOT use it and inform immediately. This archive my only be obtained from Metropolitan Network BBSs Web/FTP servers or BBS. An additional level of security is provided through PGP digital signature (see below). PGP digital signature --------------------- To check the authenticity of the files INSTALL.EXE/DISK001.NID, you need PGP, Pretty Good privacy. This file however is not a tutorial on how to use PGP, it is assumed you know how to use it. The files with an ".ASC" extension contain a detached digital signature. To get the necessary PGP public, send an empty mail to: within a minute or so, you will receive the necessary PGP public key you have to add to your public key ring. Check the integrity of [filename].exe like this: PGP 2.6x pgp [filename].asc [filename].exe PGP will output a message like this: [...] Good signature from user "Gerard Vuille ". [...] If you're using PGP 5.0, you can verify the files signatures through the Windows Explorer. If you get a "bad signature" message, you are either using a wrong public key from us, or the file has been tampered with. Should the latter be the case, contact us immediately ( and don't run the archive.