Hendrix the chord generator (R) 1.0 Copyright (C) 1996-1997 by Paolo Mereu & Paolo Piga. All Rights Reserved This program is shareware, we have worked very hard to create it; if you use it, please register your copy! We like comments, bugs, feature requests! Send them via email to byebyte@tin.it HENDRIX INSTALLATION Hendrix is distributed as a self-extracting file. To install it, run the self-extracting file Hendrix.exe (Hendrixd.exe for demo version). Example: You download Hendrix.exe from the Internet as C:\temp\hendrix.exe, Activate the Program Manager Choose Run from the File menu Type C:\temp\hendrix.exe, and press the Enter key. (Or simply double click with mouse on hendrix.exe) The install.exe program will automatically be run. The install.exe program will copy all the Hendrix files in the choosen directory and will create the hendrix.ini file in the windows directory. None initialization file will be changed! REQUIREMENTS (min) Windows 3.1 Processor 486 or compatible RAM 4Mb Free disk space 1Mb Graphic card with 640x480 16 colors Color Monitor Compatible MIDI Sound Card Mouse RECOMMENDED Windows 3.1 Processor 486/compatible or higher RAM 8Mb Free disk space 1Mb Graphic card with 640x480 256 colors Color Monitor Compatible MIDI Sound Card Mouse DOCUMENTATION To read on-line documentation, press the Help button while running HENDRIX LIST OF FILES: The HENDRIX.EXE package consists of the following files: install.txt This file install.exe Installation program hendrix.exe The program you want to install hendrix.hlp Italiano on line documentation hendrix2.hlp English on line documentation chit.bmp Bmp image demo.mid Midi file demo.seq Chords sequence readme.txt File Leggimi Italiano readme2.txt English readme file Disclaim.txt Disclaimer file italiano Disclm2.txt Disclaimer file english If you did not receive all these files please contact: Paolo Mereu & Paolo Piga by sending a internet e-mail to : byebyte@tin.it ******************************************************************************************************* LIMITED WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THIS SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS ARE PROVIDES "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE AUTHORS DOES NOT WARRANT, GUARANTEE, OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE, OR THE RESULTS OF USE, OF THE SOFTWARE OR WRITTEN MATERIALS IN TERMS OF CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY YOU. IF THE SOFTWARE OR WRITTEN MATERIALS ARE DEFECTIVE YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. THE ABOVE IS THE ONLY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY. NEITHER THE AUTHORS NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION OR DELIVERY OF THIS PRODUCT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY TYPE (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION, LOSS OF DATA, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE. BY USING THIS VERSION OF HENDRIX YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, UNDERSTAND IT, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS' TERMS AND CONDITIONS. After payment is made, use of this software is limited to use on only a single personal computer or workstation which is not used as a server. An additional payment is required for each use on another personal computer or workstation. Only a single copy may be made of this software solely for backup or archival purposes. The software may also be transferred to a single hard disk. Any use of this software in violation of the above is not licensed. ******************************************************************************************************* KNOWN BUGS: When you use the graphic function to set the chord position, after you have ended the operation, we suggest you to release the used function, because otherwise some interferences could be created while using the menu functions. ******************************************************************************************************* NOTE:Hendrix is not a windows 95 native software. But you can execute it in the windows 95 environment with any limitation depending of fonts setting. ******************************************************************************************************* * Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation * Windows 95 is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation * Intel 386, 486 are trademarks of Intel Corporation