213 Opens a wave editor to edit the selected audio section 300 View commands 301 View the beginning of the selected section 302 View the end of the selected track 303 View the end of the selected section 304 View the entire project 305 View 1 second of the project 306 View 10 seconds of the project 307 View 1 minute of the project 308 View 5 minutes of the project 309 View 1 hour of the project 310 Shows volume levels within sections 311 View marker's position 313 Shows waveforms or images in sections when zoomed in 314 Sets the zoom level for showing contents 316 Shows a grid and snaps dragged units to the grid 317 Sets the grid size 318 Snaps marker to nearest audio zero-crossing 500 Playback commands 501 Plays the entire project 502 Plays the part shown in the window 503 Plays the part shown in the window, starting at the marker 504 Plays the part shown in the window, stopping at the marker 505 Plays from the marker to then end 506 Stops playback 507 Combines and saves all digital audio tracks to a single file 601 Set playback device and sampling rate 603 Set folder locations for different sections 604 Register Multiquence 2000 Access help 2001 Help table of contents 2002 Help on using online Help 2009 Shows Multiquence version information 3000 Options menu 3001 Sets options for the selected section 3002 Adds a digital audio section to the track 3003 Deletes the selected section 3004 Mutes the selected section 3005 Divides the selected section at marker 3006 Trims beginning of selected section up to marker 3007 Trims end of selected section after marker 3008 Adds another copy of the selected section 3021 Adds a MIDI section to the track 3022 Adds a CD section to the track 3023 Adds a video section to the track 3024 Adds a recording section to the track 3040 Adds a flange effect to an audio section 3041 Adjusts equalization of an audio section 3042 Resets volume graph to full for selected section 3043 Adjusts the left/right balance of an audio section 3044 Adjusts the playback speed/pitch of an audio section 3051 Moves the marker to the mouse location 3052 Moves the marker to the playback position 3055 Set the position of the marker 3100 Track commands 3101 Creates a new track 3103 Adds a section to the track 3104 Deletes the entire track 3107 Insert space before the selected section 3108 Insert silence at the mouse position or before the section 10001 Silence 10002 Contents Threshold 10003 Grid Size 10004 Playback Speed 10010 &Undo %s Ctrl+Z 10011 new track 10012 delete track 10013 add section 10014 delete section 10015 move 10016 mute 10017 split 10018 length 10019 trim 10020 space 10021 track up 10022 track down 10023 speed 10100 Supported files|*.wav;*.voc;*.au;*.iff;*.aifc;*.aif;*.aiff;*.mat;*.mid;*.rmi;*.avi|Digital audio files|*.wav;*.voc;*.au;*.iff;*.aifc;*.aif;*.aiff;*.mat|MIDI files|*.mid;*.rmi|Video files|*.avi|All files|*.*| 10101 Programs|*.exe;*.com;*.bat;*.pif|All files|*.*| 10500 Length 10501 Threshold time 10502 Grid spacing 10503 Speed ratio 10580 10581 s 10582 % 10583 ms 10584 Hz 10600 Gain 10601 Center 10901 Data Error 10902 entry error.\nPlease enter numbers only. 10903 Range Error 10904 is out of range.\nValid range: 10905 entry error.\nPlease enter a floating point number. 10906 Time Format Error 10907 entry error.\nPlease separate time into hours, minutes, and seconds using colons 10908 entry error.\nOnly three numbers may follow the decimal point. 10909 entry error.\nDecimal point should only appear after seconds. 10910 entry error.\nOnly 2 numbers may appear between colons. Use a '.' after seconds when specifying milliseconds. 10911 entry error.\nA value greater than 59 is not allowed for minutes or seconds in the given format. 10912 entry error.\nToo many colons have been entered. Make sure you have a '.' instead of a ':' after seconds. 10913 entry error.\nPlease enter the time in one of these formats: HH:MM:SS.TTT, MMM:SS.TTT, or SSSSS.TTT 11000 'To' time must be later than 'From' time. 11001 The length of the recording section could not be changed. Make sure there is enough storage available on your hard drive. 11002 Could not open MIDI section. File may be missing. 11003 Could not open CD device or device is busy. Check that the CD-ROM drive is working correctly and contains an audio CD. 11004 Could not open video section. File may be missing. 11006 Could not find a CD-ROM drive. 11010 Could not determine length of CD. Check that the CD-ROM drive is working correctly and contains an audio CD. 11011 Could not determine number of tracks on CD. 11012 No audio tracks found on CD. 11013 Could not determine position of track on CD. 11020 Delete selected track and all sections? 11021 Could not open the wave file. 11022 Could not write to the wave file. Make sure there is enough storage available on your hard drive. 11023 Section not found. 11024 Could not open the file:\n 11025 File does not contain a Multiquence project.\nUse 'Track | Add ...' to add a file to a track. 11026 File is too short or corrupted. 11027 Could not read from file. File is invalid or memory is unavailable. 11028 You need a newer version of Multiquence to open this file. 11030 Could not create the file:\n 11031 Could not write to the file. Make sure there is enough storage available on your hard drive. 11040 Not enough storage to recreate recording unit! 11041 Not enough storage to undo length change! 11045 Please specify a filename. 11046 File could not be created. Make sure there is enough storage available on your hard drive. 11047 Could not create section. 11048 Cannot trim a looped section. 11049 Cannot split a looped section. 11050 Save changes to project? 11051 Section has been modified and will be re-opend from hard drive. 11052 Section has been modified and the length has changed. Use 'Options | Section' to make adjustments. 11053 Section cannot be opened and may have been deleted. 11060 No editor specified. Please use 'Options | Folder' to set the editor. 11200 Recording Options 11201 MIDI Options 11202 CD Options 11203 Video Options 11210 Delete Track 11211 Save As Wave 11212 Find Section 11213 Open 11214 Save 11215 Add Section 11216 Undo 11217 Trim 11218 Split 11219 Open editor 11601 Could not open recording file. 11602 Input source for recording could not be selected. 11603 Could not write to recording file. Make sure there is enough storage available on your hard drive. 11604 Not enough memory to create playback buffers. 11605 High resolution timer could not be created. 11606 Could not create multimedia callback window. 11607 Could not create playback thread. 11608 Could not create multimedia thread. 11609 Clipping required. Maximum output level was %2.2lf%%. 11610 System is not fast enough to process all channels/effects. 11611 Not enough memory to associate section with a device. 11612 Could not open device for this section. 11613 Device returned an ID of 0. 11614 Could not prepare media in advance. Synchronization may be affected. 11615 Could not open the device. Another section may be using the device. 11616 Device would not play this section. 11617 Not enough memory to create a recorder. 11618 Recording device is busy or is not 'full duplex'. Your sound card must support simultaneous playback and recording in 16-bit stereo. 11619 Could not reserve 16-bit stereo device for recording. 16000 Finished. 16001 A new recording file is being created. 16100 Number of channel for this file has changed. 16101 File could not be opened. 16102 Length of file has changed. Adjustments may be required. 16103 Dynamic volume points that are outside the length of the file have been truncated. 16104 Position of the last dynamic volume point has been adjusted to match the length of the file. 16106 Not enough storage to create the recording file. 16107 Input device does not exists on this system. First available device will be used instead. 16108 Input source can not be selected. First available input will be used instead. 16109 'From' value set to beginning of file due to length change. 16110 'To' value adjusted to end of file due to length change. 16111 Could not open CD drive. Make sure an audio CD is present. 16112 Length of CD is different. Please insert the correct CD for this project. 16113 The sampling rate of this recording file is invalid. 16114 Original file missing. This file was found in a different folder. 16200 Project file is corrupted and cannot be opened. 24310 Quits Multiquence and prompts to save the project 24320 Edit operations 24321 Reverses the last operation 24322 Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard 24323 Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard 24324 Inserts the clipboard contents at the insertion point 24327 Insert a new line 24328 Edit the current line 24330 Project operations 24331 Creates a new project 24332 Opens an existing project 24333 Saves this project 24334 Saves this project with a new name 24351 Finds the specified section 24352 Finds the specified text and changes it 24353 Finds the next match 32530 EXT|CAPS|NUM|SCRL|OVR|REC 32531 | | | | | 32707 Invalid client window %s 32708 Invalid child window %s 32709 Invalid window %s 32732 Invalid DIB handle %X 32733 GDI object %X destroy failure 32734 GDI object %X delete failure 32735 GDI file read failure 32736 GDI resource load failure 32737 GDI creation failure 32738 GDI allocate failure 32739 GDI failure 32740 Invalid relative window specified in layout constraint in window %s 32741 Incomplete layout constraints specified in window %s 32742 Printer error 32743 Validator syntax error 32744 Menu creation failure 32745 Child create fail for window %s 32746 Execute fail for window %s 32747 Create fail for window %s 32748 Child class registration fail for window %s 32749 Class registration fail for window %s 32758 VBX Library init failure 32759 Invalid MainWindow 32760 Invalid module specified for window 32761 Out of memory 32762 No application object 32763 Unknown error 32764 Unhandled Exception 32765 OK to resume? 32766 ObjectWindows Exception 32767 Unknown exception 61440 Changes the size of the window 61456 Moves the window to another position 61472 Reduces the window to an icon 61488 Enlarges the window to it maximum size 61504 Switches to next window 61536 Closes the window 61728 Restores the window to its previous size 61744 Opens task list