WINDOWS TECHNICAL SUPPORT To run this CD-ROM, you need to have an IBM compatible computer that is MPC Level 2 compliant. That means your computer must have at least a: 486SX processor 4Mb of FREE RAM Windows compatible 16-bit Sound Card Double Speed CD-ROM drive SVGA display (640 X 480 with 256 colors) Windows 3.1 or later DOS 6.2 or later QuickTimeª 2.0 for Windows (included on the CD-ROM) To install Blender, open the "File Manager", click on your CD-ROM drive icon, and double click on the file "INSTALL.EXE" in the "BLENDER" directory. Alternatively, you can choose the "Run" command from the "File" menu in the Program Manager, and type: [CD-ROM]:\BLENDER\BLENINST.EXE where [CD-ROM] is the CD-ROM drive Blender is in. Once the Blender Installer is running, you can install QuickTime 2.0 for Windows (if it's not installed already) or install Blender Magazine to your hard drive (recommended). You can use the Installer to run Blender every time, or you can double click on the "BLEN1_2.exe" file in the "BLENDER\FILES" directory in the manner described above. If, for some reason, the Installer program doesn't work, you can install QuickTime 2.0 for Windows manually. Choose the "Run" command from the "File" menu in the Program Manager, and type: [CD-ROM]:\BLENDER\GOODIES\QT20WIN\SETUP.EXE where [CD-ROM] is the CD-ROM drive which Blender 1.2 is in. Once QuickTime 2.0 for Windows is installed (if you need it) then you can run Blender manually by double clicking on the "BLENDER2" icon in the "BLENDER" directory on your Hard Drive or choosing "Run" from the "File" menu and typing: [CD-ROM]:\BLENDER\FILES\BLEN1_2.EXE INCOMPATABILITIES ------------------ The installer for QuickTime 1.1, which was included in Blender 1.1, is known to conflict with some network drivers. While we have included QuickTime 2.0 on this disk, and have we are been unable to duplicate the problem with this Apple installer, we are unsure if the problem still exists. If you have problems installing QuickTime, de-install your network drivers, and try to install QuickTime again. Remember to reboot your computer completely after installing Quicktime. There are readme files included with Blender that list known incompatibilities with hardware and both Quicktime and Director. Macromedia have suggested a 2 meg PERMANENT swapfile may improve performance on most PCs. A temporary swapfile may cause crashes. If you have any trouble, or questions, call Blender Technical Support on 212-302-2626 x27, or e-mail us at In either case, please leave your name, the time & date of your call, a contact phone number and a brief description of the problem.