OPERATING SYSTEM AND CD-ROM DRIVE Chaos Control is designed to run under DOS. If you are in Windows, exit all applications and then choose EXIT WINDOWS from the FILE menu to get to the DOS prompt. To access the game, you will need to change to the CD-ROM drive. On most systems, the CD-ROM drive is signified by the letter D. Assuming drive "D" is your CD-ROM drive, type D:" and press the ENTER key. If your CD-ROM drive is a letter other than D, substitute that letter followed by ":" and press the ENTER key. Throughout this manual, CD-ROM drive will be used to indicate the DOS drive holding your game disc. Again, on most systems the CD-ROM will be designated by the letter D. CONFIGURATION CHECK The INSTALL program on the CD will test the transfer rate of your CD-ROM drive and the performance of your CPU and video card. It does not install software or other files since Chaos Control runs from the CD. This program will check to make sure that your system can run Chaos Control acceptably. Change to the CD-ROM drive (see previous section for more information). At the prompt, type "INSTALL" and press ENTER. Do not interrupt the program while it is testing your system. If you encounter any problems or if an error message is displayed, refer to the following Troubleshooting section (page X). STARTING THE GAME Chaos Control only operates under DOS. If you are in Windows, exit all applications and then choose EXIT WINDOWS from the FILE menu. At the DOS prompt, change to your CD-ROM drive, type "CHAOS", and press the ENTER key. TROUBLESHOOTING The error messages listed below may appear during the game or while the Install program is testing your hardware. E1000 or E1006: PROGRAM NOT LOADING CORRECTLY PROBABLE CAUSE: Your hardware does not meet the minimum requirements of the game. SOLUTION: Check to make sure that your system meets the Configuration Requirements listed on page X, and follow the instructions to verify that your system is correctly setup in the Configuration Check section on page X. E1000 or E03: INSUFFICIENT MEMORY PROBABLE CAUSE: Not enough free conventional memory. SOLUTION: Your system must have 550KB free memory (see Configuration Requirements listed on page X). To verify the amount of free conventional memory, check the Largest Executable Program Size from the MEM display. Type "MEM" at any DOS prompt and press the ENTER key. You must have at least 550KB (563,200 bytes) available. If you use MS-DOS 6.0 or later: The MEMMAKER command should be able to free enough space by loading your device drivers into upper memory. At a DOS prompt, type "MEMMAKER" and press the ENTER key. Choose EXPRESS SETUP and answer NO when asked if you have any programs that require expanded memory. Follow the on-screen instructions. MEMMAKER will reboot your system twice, and when it is finished, you should have enough memory to run Chaos Control. If you still have trouble getting enough memory, check the boot disk section below. For other versions of DOS: Consult your DOS manual about how to load device drivers into upper memory. MS-DOS 5.0 uses the LOADHIGH and DEVICEHIGH statements in the Autoexec.Bat and Config.Sys files, respectively. If you still cannot free up enough memory, check the following instructions on how to disable EMS and create an optimized boot disk. Disabling Expanded Memory (EMS) Chaos Control is compatible with but does not require expanded memory (EMS), and expanded memory fills 64KB of upper memory. Therefore, to free up the maximum amount of conventional memory, expanded memory should be inactive. To check your computer’s EMS status, type "MEM" at a DOS prompt and press the ENTER key. If EMS does not appear, expanded memory has already disabled. However, if EMS is listed, follow the instructions below to disable it, or consult your DOS manual for further instructions. Note: Some other programs, most notably other games, do require EMS memory to run. MEMMAKER can be used to enable or disable EMS, or you can follow the instructions below to create a boot disk without EMS for Chaos Control. Without MEMMAKER, you must modify the EMM386 line in Config.Sys to disable expanded memory. To edit this file, type "EDIT CONFIG.SYS" at a "C:\" prompt. Expanded memory may be disabled by checking the EMM386 line and verifying that NOEMS is included. If the command is not present, replace "RAM" with "NOEMS". If neither command is present, add "NOEMS". You can also edit any DEVICE= line to DEVICEHIGH= (except for the HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE lines,) to try to load drivers into upper memory, out of the way of Chaos Control. Finally, select SAVE from the FILE menu, and then select EXIT to return to the DOS prompt. You must then reboot the system to enable these changes. For example, DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE RAM 2048 X=C901 DEVICE=C:\SNDCARD\BOBCD.SYS /D:MSCD001 becomes DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS 2048 X=C901 DEVICEHIGH=C:\SNDCARD\BOBCD.SYS /D:MSCD001 If, after trying the above suggestions, your free conventional memory is still less than 550K and you have problems running the game, create a DOS boot diskette that you can use to start your PC prior to running Chaos Control. To create a boot diskette follow these steps: 1. Insert a blank diskette into your A:\ floppy disk drive. You cannot boot from the B:\ drive. 2. At the DOS prompt type "FORMAT A: /S", and press the ENTER key. The disk will be formatted and the DOS boot files will be copied to it. When finished, do not format another, and you will return to the DOS prompt. 3. Type "COPY C:\CONFIG.SYS A:" and press the ENTER key. 4. Type "COPY C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT A:" and press the ENTER key. 5. Change to the A:\ drive by typing "A:" and pressing the ENTER key. 6. To edit the Config.Sys file, type "EDIT CONFIG.SYS" at the A:\ prompt and press the ENTER key. Remove drivers and variables not necessary to the correct functioning of your sound card, CD-ROM drive and mouse. Some Config.Sys lines which may be safely deleted include lines beginning with DEVICE= and DEVICEHIGH= and ending with SETVER.EXE, IFSHLP.SYS, and ANSI.SYS. Be sure to leave the lines with HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE! 7. Now, please verify that HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE lines are the first and second DEVICE= lines, respectively, and change any following lines that still begin with DEVICE= to DEVICEHIGH=. This will load these drivers into upper memory. 8. Make sure there are both DOS=HIGH and DOS=UMB lines. If not, insert them. (You can also have a combined DOS=HIGH, UMB.) These lines can appear anywhere in the file. 9. When you are finished, select SAVE from the FILE menu and then select EXIT to return to the A:\ prompt. 10. To edit the Autoexec.Bat file, type "EDIT AUTOEXEC.BAT" at the A:\ prompt and press the ENTER key. Autoexec.Bat lines which may be safely deleted include SMARTDRV or SHARE. You should also delete lines for network drivers, virus protectors, scanner/fax drivers, and any lines that begin with "CALL" or "WIN". Be sure to Leave in lines that refer to PATH, SET SOUND, SET BLASTER, MSCDEX, and MOUSE. 11. For any lines that begin with C:\, insert a LOADHIGH and a space at the beginning of the line, before the C:\. (C:\DOS\MOUSE becomes LOADHIGH C:\DOS\MOUSE.) 12. When you are finished, select SAVE from the FILE menu, and then select EXIT to return to the A:\ prompt. 13. Leave the finished boot disk in the A drive and reboot your system. Your computer should start up from this disk. Type "MEM" at a DOS prompt and press the ENTER key to check the largest executable program size. If you do not yet have at least 550KB of free memory, check your DOS manual, or contact our Technical Support department at 310-576-1885. E09 or E10: SOUND CARD PROBLEMS PROBABLE CAUSE: Your sound card is incompatible or it is not correctly installed. Chaos Control only works with Sound Blaster(TM) 2.0 or 100% compatible cards. SOLUTION: Most problems with sound cards result from incorrect setup stemming from a conflict with another device. Run your sound cards setup program and enable the standard Sound Blaster(TM) settings. Check your sound cards manual for details on enabling Sound Blaster emulation. E1002: SAVE PROBLEM If the program was unable to create the save file or the score file, your hard disk may be full. E1001, E1004, E01 or E02: PROGRAM UNABLE TO READ CD-ROM DATA PROBABLE CAUSE: Your CHAOS CONTROL disc may be dirty. SOLUTION: Take the disc out of the drive and clean it with a dry, clean, soft and lint-free cloth, wiping in a straight line starting from the center outwards to the edge of the disc. ANIMATION SEQUENCES ARE NOT FLOWING SMOOTHLY PROBABLE CAUSE: Your CD-ROM drive’s transfer rate may be too slow. See Configuration Requirements and Configuration Check sections on page X. If you are using a portable CD-ROM interface connected to the printer port, this reduces the CD-ROM transfer rate considerably. SOLUTION: Check the settings for MSCDEX in your Autoexec.Bat file. To edit the Autoexec.Bat file, type "EDIT AUTOEXEC.BAT" at a "C:\" prompt, or "A:\" if a boot disk. Look for a line that has MSCDEX on it. Change the number of CD extension buffers on the MSCDEX line (the /M:xx setting). For example, in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, C:\DOS\MSDEX.EXE /D:MSCD001 /M:15 indicates that the buffer is set at 15 giving you 30KB buffer. The maximum is 32 or 64KB buffer. For Chaos Control, we recommend a setting of 15. Higher or lower numbers may help to speed up the games CD access, depending on your hardware. Note: Some CD-ROM drives have a similar buffer setting for their Config.Sys driver that can help access times. Check your CD-ROM drive manual for details. TECHNICAL SUPPORT If you have tried all of the suggestions offered in the Troubleshooting section and you are still having problems, contact I-Motion Technical Support at 310-576-1885. To expedite answers to your questions, please note the following facts before contacting our Technical Support staff: Type of machine (486, Pentium, etc.):_________________________ DOS version:__________________________________________________ Name of graphics card:________________________________________ Sound board type:_____________________________________________ Name and type of CD-ROM drive:________________________________ Hard disk compressor:_________________________________________ Maximum size of executable program:*__________________________ Total expanded memory (EMS):*_________________________________ Total extended memory (XMS):*_________________________________ *To determine these settings, type "MEM" at the DOS prompt. CHAOS CONTROL ACTION GAME If you would like to play the Chaos Control action game. You can reach the I-Motion Hintline at 900-88-IMOTION (900-884-6684). You must have a touch-tone phone to use our 24-hour service. The charge for your call is $1.25 for the first minute, 85 cents for each additional minute. All long distance charges are included in these prices. Callers under the age of 18 must get their parents permission before calling the Hintline. CUSTOMER SERVICE To contact our customer service department by mail receive use the following customer service address: I-Motion, Inc. Customer Service Department Attn: Chaos Control 1341 Ocean Avenue Box 417 Santa Monica, CA 90401 IMPORTANT NUMBERS I Motion product information and ordering: 800-443-3386 Philips Media distribution and ordering: 800-340-7888 Chaos Control Action Game: 900-884-6684 Technical Support: 310-576-1885 Technical Support BBS: 310-576-1820 (Standard modem settings up to 14.4k bps)