:This is the public domain program CRCK. I have included it to allow you to verify the correctness of the various files on these disks. the file CHECK.LST contains the correct check number for all files on these disks. The program CHECK.COM is used to compute and display the 'checksum' for the file specified with it, i.e.. CHECK [drive:] You can use this to show the checksum for a file before and after transfer, they should match, giving some assurance that the transfer is good. Wildcards such as '*' and '?' can be used in the command line. Adding a sub-command 'F' after the filename.ext will cause a file CHECK.LST to be written to disk. Example : CHECK *.* F CHECK B:A???.COM The checksum is based on the CCITT standard polynomial X^16 + X^15 + X^13 + X^7 + X^4 + X^2 + X