BBB:One More Time With Feeling (a letter) Through the years we have received a ton of letters from born-again, saved, soul-winning, once married Christians just like this one, which is from a preacher way up in the hills of Glasgow, Kentucky: "Dear Brother Pete, I hope all is well. It's about 4:30 a.m. I have been studying your Exodus tapes, and they are very good. I just finished your book on the Local Church. For the last nine years since I entered the ministry and started the Bethel Baptist Church, I have listened to Hyles, Hudson, Rice, etc., and I have all the books on starting churches, but I must say, you speak the truth about how it really is instead of leading some young man off into a dream world. The last chapter in your book was great, it spoke to me. God bless you." If you don't have a copy of our book on "The Local Church," order it today from the bookstore. We finished two new books here in the last few months, "The Local Church," and "The Last Grennde." God willing, very soon we hope to have a book for Bible teachers called, "How To Teach The Bible."