When They Come To Your Door =========================== Jesus warned his disciples not to speculate about the time of his return (Acts 1:7) nor to believe in another gospel (Gal. 1:6- 7), for such a different gospel would lead away from God. ˙To be blessed ˙one had to believe in and witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8, Rom. 10:8-15). In spite of these clear statements, ˙Charles T. ˙Russell ˙set out ˙in ˙1876 ˙to preach another gospel. ˙With it he ˙speculated about ˙the ˙future and set 1914 ˙as the date for the end ˙of ˙the word. ˙He developed new doctrinal statements: ˙no Trinity; ˙no deity ˙of Christ; ˙and, ˙in the place of hope, ˙Armageddon ˙doom. Three ˙times in 90 ˙years, ˙Jehovah's Witnesses (as his followers are now called) ˙have had to change their gospel. ˙They preach a tale of woe! Going from door to door, ˙they will be coming to see you very soon. ˙˙˙This ˙is ˙their ˙way ˙of ˙worship--selling ˙books ˙˙and perpetuating a protection notion. ˙In their endeavor to sell you their books they are sincere--but I must add, "sincerely wrong." Whey you see the Jehovah's Witnesses, ˙Christian, ˙remember a few ˙very ˙important ˙DON'Ts. ˙Do not argue ˙religion ˙with ˙the Witness, ˙for his doctrines are built upon a misuse of the Bible. Texts ˙and passages torn out of the Bible are used like ˙building blocks to back up false conclusions. Another ˙DON'T ˙is ˙not ˙to engage in ˙a ˙conversation ˙about present events with the Jehovah's Witness. ˙DON'T buy literature or accept anything free from him. With ˙these DON'Ts clearly etched into your ˙mind, ˙˙rejoice! You have never had it so easy. ˙Here is a whole missionary field walking right up to your door. Make the most of it! Be ˙courteous ˙to the JW--let him continue ˙his ˙presentation without interruption on your part. But also, as the Witness from time ˙to ˙time asks you leading questions, ˙DO NOT ˙answer ˙them. These ˙probes by the JW are to discover whether you are a ˙person who has fear about the troubles in the world; ˙or whether you are a ˙person ˙who is lonely; ˙or whether you are a ˙person ˙who ˙has gripes against the establishment. ˙If you so much as give a hint of ˙such ˙attitudes, ˙˙you ˙are immediately ˙catagorized ˙by ˙the Jehovah's Witness, and he will latch onto you and you will not be able to do him any good. Wait ˙the ˙Witness out, ˙therefore, ˙without allowing him ˙to categorize ˙or ˙classify ˙you. ˙Finally, ˙when ˙he ˙is ˙through. Promptly ˙forget what he has said. ˙Begin something of your own. Tell ˙him ˙what ˙the ˙Lord Jesus means to you: ˙˙give ˙him ˙your testimony. Make it short and sweet, but say it with enthusiasm. Then ask the JW to give you his testimony. This will nonplus him--he cannot speak of the grace of God in Christ Jesus. ˙Press on, ˙saying, "Surely you must have experienced common grace, ˙for God does let his sun shine over the just and the unjust." Should ˙you ˙succeed ˙in getting the Witness to ˙give ˙you ˙a testimony, ˙you have gotten him off his track--things are looking up. ˙˙Walk ˙into this opportunity by sitting down with ˙him ˙and reading two chapters of the Gospel according to John. If you are able to do this, invite him back for further readings. However, ˙˙most JW's will not give you a testimony ˙and ˙will leave. ˙˙Do not be dismayed, ˙but as the door closes pray to the Holy Spirit asking him to take over. Your ˙prayer may bring the Witness back. ˙This time he ˙will want ˙to recite for you a whole list of Bible passages. ˙Do ˙not let him do that! Ask for him to wait as you get your Bible. With ˙your ˙Bible ˙in your hand ask, ˙"Can I have ˙the ˙first passage?" Reluctantly he will give it to you. Look it up, ˙read it, ˙˙but also read the contest--the verses surrounding it. ˙How that ˙changes ˙the ˙meaning of the passage! ˙Ask for ˙a ˙second, third, ˙and perhaps fourth passage and treat them in like manner. That is about all you will get. ˙But this way you have used ˙the Word of God as it is. You see, ˙our two most effective weapons are the testimony of Jesus ˙and the Word of God. ˙Use them in this way and you cannot lose. The ˙above ˙text was from an old xerox copy I had ˙that ˙came from ˙a ˙book ˙written by an ex-JW. ˙I ˙don't ˙know ˙either ˙the author's ˙or the book's name. ˙It may be helpful to some one who might want to know what to say to a JW. Or in developing a future text file concerning JW's. Please bear in mind that it is from a copyrighted ˙(c) ˙˙book, ˙˙and I am only submitting ˙it ˙to ˙help develope future public domain files. Stephen Bresnahan, Crossroads BBS, Safety Harbor, FL, (813) ˙725- 4452