DAVE HUNT July 9, 1983 RA David Geauvreau #99-3498 Lovat st., (New address of September/1988) Victoria, B.C., 3053 Metchosin Rd., Victoria, B.C., CANADA, V8X 1V2 CANADA, V9B 4Y9 Dear David: First of all my deep apology for being so very late in responding to your letter of last February. Your letter along with a number of others got buried in a box of research material, somehow, and I only uncovered them all by accident (some even had checks in them for books and I was wondering why people hadn't paid me) ten days ago, when preparing to leave for meetings in the South Pacific I searched through the box for a particular piece of information...and to my shocked surprise and embarrassment came across these letters. I am very sorry. You ask about Norman Grubb. I enclose a little bit of information. Basically, as I stated in the letter in Cornerstone to which you referred, he has sincerely gone off into Hinduism without knowing it, though he is aware that people are saying this about him and that what he believes seems very similar, yet he denies it. He believes that there is only one Person in existence in the entire universe, God, and that all else is the expression of God in varying form, and this even includes Satan. The Bible doesn't teach this. I wonder whether, being very elderly, he is a bit senile, for he was such a sound teacher only a few years ago. I am sorry to learn of the penetration of the Latter-Rain teaching into so many churches. The charismatics are involved in much error these days, being spread on TV. I'd suggest you get my latest book, PEACE, PROSPERITY & THE COMING HOLOCAUST and THE CULT EXPLOSION, which would give you a good grasp of the deception today. Sincerely in our Lord, David Hunt UNION LIFE.....NORMAN GRUBB June 1976 "...there is only One Person in the universe, and everything and everybody is a manifestation of Him in one of His millions of manifested forms. That is oneness." "I had drunk some of the intoxicationg liguor of what makes some good evangelicals shiver - the pilgrimage into union by the Mystics. I condtinued to revel in the writings of the Mystics...the dawning light finally arose in me that their union and my union is with Him who is All in all. If God is spirit, then that is all there can be, and all must be spirit....If He is all, then everything must be forms of Him...The universe is God in manifested forms....the universe is this One Living Person, and everything and everybody is He in some manifested form, whether good or evil, whether positive or negative, this obviously raised some disturbing questions, when we include evil in the everything....we shall never find the answers to life's problems until we see Him The Only One in all activity, not two powers but one...why then evil? ...because to see double is to see evil. We only have the secret when we see as Jesus did, through all to one - to Him, the Father including seeing through the devil. Isaiah saw this more clearly than any other writer in the Bible in some chapters such as 45 and 46. `I am God, and there is none else...I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil.' ...all life becomes worship, because out eyes are opened: we see through everything and every person to their being some wonderful form of Him in beauty, power, shape, texture... NOTE: Isa. 45:7 I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the Lord, do all these things. This is a closer rendering of the passage in Isaiah that Norman Grubb quoted from. It has the sense of God bringing judgement or blessing upon the people. It does not mean that God created sin or Satan. Lucifer became Satan by his own volition, not because God created him that way! Isa.45:6 That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting That there is none besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other; Grubb interpretes this passage as saying that nothing else exists except God. He means that Satan is God, you and me are God, rocks and animals are God, in fact everything, good or bad is God. This is a blatant blasphemy that only one who has sold his inheritance of salvation could possibly commit. This passage in reality is saying that there is none other that is equal with God Almighty. There is not another that can be compared to the Lord God Almighty! It does not mean that there are no other creatures other than God for He, for His own purposes created us. But no creature is equal to Him in any of His attributes, or power, or majesty, or anything about Him.