Fortunately, "A Handmaid's Tale", the hideous cinematic attack on Christians released in the spring of 1990, is dead. The movie portrayed a futuristic America in which Christian fundamentalists have overthrown the U.S. Government. They have established a repressive, military regime in which nonbelievers, ethnic minorities, and infertile women have been herded off to work camps. The ruling elite, Christian leaders in the pre-overthrow socieity, have forced all fertile women to be their child-bearing handmaids, to swear allegiance to the Bible, and to sing the doxology at public hangings of abortionists. At the Hollywood premiere the director, Volker Schlondorff, made it clear that his film was an attack on fundamentalist Christians. The film died at the box office. With it showing in only a few theaters nationwide, it had grossed only about three million dollars, meaning that the movie will probably cost its producers seven to ten million dollars. Forgive me, but it couldn't happen to more deserving people.