PRO:Will we have revival before or after the beginning of the Tribulation? We all understand there will be a worldwide revival in the Tribulation. Millions of Gentiles (Rev. 7:9) will believe the message of "the Kingdom" as preached by Moses, Elijah, and the 144,000 Jewish evangelists, of whom Paul and Jeremiah are types. The question is, what about now, BEFORE the Rapture? John R. Rice used to say, "We can have revival NOW!" But he never saw a nationwide revival a day in his life. Neither did Billy Graham, Jack Van Impe, Hyman Appleman, Jesse Hendley, or E.J. Daniels. They saw "souls saved," and local churches were awakened sometimes, and once or twice (by having "union campaigns") they were able to get a large number of "first time decisions" and cause a stir in a small area. Nationwide revival since the days of Billy Sunday has been a joke. The nearest thing to it was Falwell's "Moral Majority" that actually got into a few high places and "rattled the cages" for a while, but only for a while. Falwell put a pressure on Congress that has survived his "Majority." Ethics and morals became such an issue after 1984 that saddles were emptied right and left anytime anyone could prove anything "immoral" on anyone, but those days are over. Homosexual fornicators are legitimate "elected representatives" of the people, as also are cocaine "crack heads." Bob Jones Sr.'s analysis of the revival situation is still mimicked by his grandson. Senior's position was that all of the trouble was due to the Liberals and Modernists, and Fundamental evangelists cooperating with them. Senior's thesis was "All Christians can get together on a few basic fundamentals so that no evangelist has to fool with Liberals and Modernists. Just get the people together who agree on the basics, and God will honor it just like He did the meetings of Sunday, Torrey, Moody, and Finney. You don't need the Neo- Evangelicals or Liberals." From that day to this, Billy Graham has been a target of the Fundamentalists, and Bob Jones and company are still trying to destroy anyone who disagrees with them on Senior's position. What Jones Sr. wanted to do--that he could not do, and Rice could not do--was REPLACE BILLY SUNDAY AS A NATIONWIDE REVIVALIST. God stopped with Billy Sunday. He didn't plan a "replacement." When America voted to get drunk and stay drunk (1933), GOD DUMPED AMERICA AS A NATION. She has not had one nationwide movement of the Holy Spirit since then and is not going to have one even if she stops abortion (which she won't), jails the Sodomites (which she won't), and stops the drug traffic (which she won't). If you want to know why BJU is powerless to do anything now but make overtures to the Baptist churches in order to get students, it is because the basic philosophy is WRONG, at least in regards to the work of the Holy Spirit in revivals. If you want to know why an outfit like PCS can turn out literally hundreds of graduates yearly without effecting ANYTHING nationally or internationally, it is because of the POSITION they have taken against the Holy Spirit, the Author of real "revival." Their position is that the hope of America lies in disciplined, interdenominational education and culture, "using" a Book they do not believe, and using the "MAIN THINGS" from that Book to get a group of Christians together to get their money and support. That is the philosophy of modern "Christian education" ($$$). It overlooks five things that have taken place since 1933 that Bob Jones Sr., Bobby III, and John R. Rice failed to recognize and deal with. 1. The crowds that Moody, Torrey, Finney, and Sunday preached to believed the AV from cover to cover, including the cover, and the UNSAVED people who heard them believed the Book was the word of God, just like the Christians did. This explains why Torrey never equalled Moody's work; Torrey would occasionally try to impress people with his scholarship by giving them an "alternate reading." 2. The so-called "fundamentals" of BJU are NOT (and have not been) the fundamentals of the independent Baptists, and BJU and PCS are now dependent upon those local churches for support, exactly as The Sword of the Lord is. The Southern and Northern Baptists fell apart; the old line "militant" Presbyterians (Machen, Warfield, Wilson, et al.) collapsed; the Methodists and Charismatics folded up; and all BJU can now draw from for a LARGE enrollment is the independent Baptists: BOB JONES SR. had nothing to do with the setting up of these works. The men behind them were J. Frank Norris and Beauchamp Vick, who were pastors, not evangelists, and they considered baptism by immersion, Premillennialism, and eternal security as "fundamental" as the Resurrection or the Ascension. Norris wouldn't "fit" with the student body at BJU from 1929 to 1969. He would now. He has to. They need his young people. Ditto PCS. 3. The intrusion of television into the minds and thinking of the Body of Christ as a replacement for the Holy Bible. "The light of the body is the eye." To pretend (as John R. did) that conditions in 1970 were still the same because sinners' problems, desires, troubles, etc., were the same as in 1930 was to live in a dream world. Radio could never do one half the damage that TV did; radio was for the "ear," and it was bad enough. TV completed the replacement of the Bible in the home; a replacement that began with newspapers and magazines back in the Depression. The comic books came from this era. 4. The end of doctrinal preaching in local pulpits in regard to heaven and hell. Before 1933 a sinner under conviction had to travel "a ways" to get a soothing, "coping and sharing and caring" message that would emphasize his own ability to handle problems. The Baptists preached hell, the Methodists preached hell, the Presbyterians preached hell, and the Lutherans preached hell. So did the Churches of God and the Assemblies of God and the Pentecostals. True, the organized, denominational headquarters of the Presbyterians and Methodists (and later Baptists) were taking the NCCC and the FCCC road to Socialism, but the land was filled with local churches where the afterlife (heaven and hell) were REAL. Heaven and hell are no longer real to John MacArthur, Chuck Swindoll, J. Vernon McGee, Oral Roberts, Rex Humbard, or even Falwell. The leaders in the "spotlight" today don't often remind their listeners or viewers that many of them are damned. Occasionally they will mention the matter--say once every nine months, but the preaching of Cyclone Baxter McClendon, Sam Jones, William Munsey, and Billy Sunday is gone. ETERNITY is so unreal to Americans that only 48% of them believe in ANY AFTERLIFE AT ALL, and that includes Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics, and Seventh-day Adventists. Christians in America are secularized. The TV did it for them. 5. Finally, in their zeal to get control over the Body of Christ and the local churches, the Christian educators (the intellectuals and intelligentsia) decided that THEY should be the Holy Spirit and "guide and lead" everyone into "all the truth" (for "you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free," etc.). They conspired to remove THE BOOK that had brought revival to America (Wesley, Whitefield, Tennant, Edward, Cartwright, Finney, Sheldon Jackson, Sam Jones, Morrison, Asbury, Moody, et al.) by doing what a Catholic does when he wishes to get rid of the authority of Jesus Christ. Catholics simply ELEVATE a competing authority (MARY, for example) to such a place of honor that Christ's authority is nullified. With Mary sharing Christ's attributes (as an NASV "shares" the authority of the AV, or an NIV shares its authority), or TRADITION equal with the Book (as the ASV or NKJV are equal to THE BOOK), final authority is transferred, either from Christ to a church, or from a Book to a SCHOOL. This transfer is brought about by PROFESSION. You profess to believe what you do not believe and then go to work destroying those who believe what you only profess to believe. And you think THAT will bring about a "nationwide revival"? Anyone stupid enough to think that Communism, Catholicism, abortion, Neo-Evangelicalism, lack of separation, or divisive "hobby horses" are the main cause of powerless Christianity in America today is living in the dream world that Bob Jones Sr. and John R. Rice lived in in the 1950's and 1960's. There will be no revival in America until the apostates in charge of training Christian young people go back to the Book and replant it in their hearts and minds AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE. And if they are so worldly and carnal (as they certainly are at BBC, PCS, BJU, etc.) that they cannot give up their own egotistical, lordly, domineering, self- opinionated, humanistic authority to make way for THE BOOK, you can pray till hell freezes over, and you will never see any kind of a nationwide revival. You can still get people saved. I had over a hundred and fifty professions of faith (first time conversions with about ninety of them adults) last year, and have probably averaged two hundred conversions a year for the last forty years. You can still see local congregations "revived." But a mammoth, bussed-in, record-breaking attendance is not NATIONAL REVIVAL even if you have one in the nation's "ten largest churches." The liquor stores stay open; fourteen billion dollars a year goes right there. The drug traffic continues and will increase. No one is going to stop abortions now or later. The crime rate, which tripled between 1964 and 1974 and doubled between 1974 and 1984, will triple before 1995. Taxes will increase, your guns will be confiscated. You will not have a national revival. You can't, for the men in charge of training each generation of Christians for "fulltime" service remove their authority from them the moment they get them and replace it with the OPINIONS and PREFERENCES of people who have no higher authority than pragmatic humanism. They are then sent out into churches where the Sunday School literature has been attacking the BOOK anywhere from twenty to fifty years. The people you preach to do not believe THE BOOK; not even the saved ones you preach to. Why should they? Bob Jones III doesn't; Curtis Hutson doesn't; James Combs doesn't; Donald Waite doesn't; Doug Kutilek and Jerry Falwell don't; Al Jennings and Ronald Walker don't; Dell, Sherman, Dollar, and Henderson don't; Neal, Custer, Panosian, and Afman don't; and neither do Farstad, Hodges, Scumner, Hymers, Hindson, Hobson, Horton, or Huckleberry Hound. So why should you? How do you make heaven and hell real to people who don't believe in the Book you are preaching from? You don't. They are secularized. The afterlife is nonexistent. What fool would believe your preaching if he knew you didn't believe what you were preaching, but were just using a Book because someone else believed it? Revival from your kind? Don't get the folks in Glory laughing; they are busy shouting. There will be no national revival in America. Educators will not make the sacrifice: they will not bear the cross of ridicule and REAL "separation." They will Pharisee their way through the separation and bluff their way through the ridicule by leaning on "historical positions." They will be the final authority themselves, and the Holy Spirit will go "out the window." So said; so done. "God is not mocked." These fakey little spiritual pretenders think they are going to do it and get away with it because their enrollments and incomes hold up as the age falls apart. That is why it holds up. Their clientele are keeping abreast of their apostate pace. These fakey little fakirs think they are "standing" when they are sunk in the mud, hub cap high to a ferris wheel, and in their deluded madness they are thrashing around and condemning everyone on earth who doesn't agree with them as a compromiser, or a "trouble maker," or a church splitter, or a "divisive" schismatic, or a heretic, or a "hobby horse rider," and while they do this they think God doesn't know what they are doing or WHY they are doing it. The Book they stole from the Body of Christ judged "the thoughts and intents" of their hearts (Heb. 4:12-13). The problem wasn't the Bible believing people who knew a thief when they saw one. The problem wasn't the Bible believing people who stuck to the Book and refused to be moved from it by the conjectures and opinions of those WHO HAD LOST THEIR FAITH IN IT. No, the problem wasn't there. The problem was simply conceited asses who wanted to get rid of a Book they were jealous of because of its power and authority in the lives of the people they were trying to CONTPOL. Such people were uncontrollable as long as their authority could be carried in their pocket and consulted a hundred times a day. The trick was to take this authority and reinvest it on a CAMPUS where the faculty and staff (who did not believe the Book) could play substitute for the Holy Spirit and get rid of any part of the Book that they didn't like. This is what has been going on since 1933. It will continue to the Rapture. God is perfectly aware of the entire operation from start to finish, all those involved in it, all of those promoting and tolerating and supporting it, and all of the motives and intents of those who profess to be "godly" and "separated" while making a living as PROFESSIONAL LIARS. Revival in our time? "Revival now"? You might as well ask God to bless Rock Hudson or Dolly Parton. Don't waste your breath asking God to honor thieves and Pharisees. They are in the money making business, and "revival" coming from their mouths sounds to God like Judas and Gehazi talking about soul winning and cross bearing.