THE:God before the Beginning (Psalm 90) by Joel Nederhood "from everlasting to everlasting thou art God." Psalm 90:2 The opening words of the Bible declare that "in the beginning" God created the universe. But it would be a serious mistake if we were to think that the first verse of the Bible tells us about HIS beginning, too. No, His beginning is something else. We can know nothing about it. In fact, God had no beginning; and He will have no ending. He is eternal. Psalm 90 expresses this awesome truth when it addresses God and says, "before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God." The glory of God, the wonder of His eternal being, we do not think about this nearly enough. We are often too self-centered. Many of the religions we follow are man-centered. But the eternal God should be the center of our thoughts often. This is the God who comes to meet us on the pages of the Bible. This is the God who was already thinking about His children before the mountains were established. The Bible says: "Even before the world was made, God had already chosen us to be his through our union with Christ" (Ephesians 1:4 TEV). This is the eternal God who meets us in Jesus Christ. Think of it: through faith in Jesus you can have contact with the God who existed before the mountains! Dr. Joel Nederhood