must specify a resource-comp after a resource-selector only positive numbers allowed here Data search type must be the last search and exist only once may only specify Filetype and Creator once each expecting ‘=’, ‘≠’, ‘<’ or ‘>’ expecting a number must specify one, and only one, resource-selector before a resource-comp expecting end-of-line, ‘;’, ‘&’ or keyword an ‘&’ must be followed by a search type you need to specify one of Filetype, Creator or Resource Error reading file File name for search strings: VirusDetective™ Searches and/or error(s) occurred! Could not check resources of file. Error (0x scan resource delete file change resource VirusDetective™ Log File VirusDetective™ matched some search patterns! No Log Log for Could not get Finder info Could not close file Error writing file Could not set file position Could not open file Could not set creator Could not create file File name for log file: .log files checked. 1 file checked. Out of memory. Could not get old string list. D File Deleted R Resource Removed incorrect argument(s) missing/unknown keyword or incorrect resource for keyword update file remove resource 1 matched file. no matching files. Cancelled. Until then found Completed. Found Pos Resource Start Data Creator Filetype Size Name ID Any