-- card: 7597 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 7110 -- name: -- part contents for background part 8 ----- text ----- VERY IMPORTANT: A global variable named “theSpeech” MUST be declared before TurnSpeechOn is called. For this reason, TurnSpeechOn is almost always called from a script, since it must be assured that “theSpeech” exists, and a global variable cannot be declared from the Message box. TurnSpeechOn should only be called once during an HyperCard session (unless balanced by a TurnSpeechOff command). One method of assuring that TurnSpeechOn is called correctly is to call it in an OpenStack handler and to call TurnSpeechOff in a CloseStack handler. Another method involves the global variable “theSpeech”: if it is non-empty, then TurnSpeechOff has been called. Before any use of Macintalk, simply insert the following code beforehand (you can put this in your OpenStack Handler if desired): global theSpeech if theSpeech is empty then TurnSpeechOn -- part contents for background part 7 ----- text ----- How Macintalk Works (continued)