Section: Misc. Reference Manual Pages (local)
Updated: 23 April 1986
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maclaser - Spool Macintosh PostScript files to the LaserWriter printers  


maclaser [ -P<printer> ] file  


Maclaser is a program which spools Macintosh-generated PostScript files to any of the LaserWriters. It defines function definitions that the Macintosh PostScript file uses.

The -P option is used to specify the output device. If the option is omitted, the default LaserWriter (-Plw) is used.

For MacPaint pictures, PostScript files may be generated using paintps (local) or using the method described below.

For other output, you must (currently) use the procedure described below to get the Macintosh to create the PostScript file.  


This section describes how to generate PostScript files on the Macintosh for uploading and eventual printing.

Make sure the LaserWriter printer driver file is installed on your system disk. You may use the "Choose Printer" desk accessory to select the LaserWriter driver instead of the Imagewriter driver.

Use the Page Setup menu item to specify whether you want the LaserWriter to substitute its built-in fonts for the Macintosh fonts, whether you want smoothing, and so forth.

Open the document with the required application and choose the "Print..." menu item. In most applications (such as MacWrite) a dialog box will appear. Answer the questions and click OK. After you click OK, hold down the command key (cloverleaf) and hold down the "f" key. When a box appears saying "Creating PostScript File", you may release the cmd-F keys. If instead a box appears saying "Looking for LaserWriter", you did not press cmd-F at the right time.

NOTE: MacPaint is slightly different. "Print Draft" prints without smoothing, and "Print Final" prints with smoothing. Also, no dialog box appears when you choose "Print ..", so hold down cmd-F right after you choose one of the print commands.

A file called PostScript will appear on your disk. This file is a text-only file readable by MacWrite and most other editors and word processors. This file is often extremely large (> 100K), so you might make sure you have lots of room on the disk before creating it. You will not be warned if you run out of space.

Now upload the PostScript file to your favorite UNIX machine. For instance, using MacTerminal connected to a UNIX machine, you can give the UNIX command

% macget -u

Then choose "Send File" in MacTerminal and select PostScript. This will leave a file in your current UNIX directory called PostScript.text.

Now you may finally give UNIX the command:

% maclaser PostScript.text

to print the file on the default LaserWriter.  


This version of maclaser is intended to work only with PostScript files created by version 1.1 of the Macintosh LaserWriter driver and LaserPrep file. Versions 3.0 and later of these files will cause strange results.  




paintps(local), macget(local), lpr(1), printers(4L)




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