information on GateKeeper, see the section titled “Other Virus Tools”. An alternative to Vaccine is the GateKeeper INIT/cdev. For more button. Control Panel, click on the Vaccine icon, and click on the Instructions You should read Vaccine’s online instructions for more details. Open the Disinfectant to check the program for infection. resource is being added, deny the permission, quit the program, and use “Denied” button to deny permission. If you do not understand why the file. Click on the “Granted” button to grant permission, or click on the you may see a dialog asking you for permission to “add a resource” to a Vaccine watches for suspicious attempts to modify files. In some cases, the software on that Mac. infected, and if you eventually find an unprotected Mac, you will infect Mac to Mac trying to find one on which it will run. If the program is program for infection. Whatever you do, do not take the program from new program might be infected by a virus. Use Disinfectant to check the it bombs or hangs immediately when you try to run it, this means that the will have to restart in either case. Thus, if you obtain a new program and Vaccine will block the attack, and your Mac will either bomb or hang. You If you try to run an infected program on a Vaccine-protected system, option is enabled. MPW INITs” option. Both INIT 29 and ANTI can infect your system if this IMPORTANT: For the best protection, do not select the “Always compile viruses. Vaccine does not offer perfect protection against all possible future this document. As with Disinfectant and all other virus tools, however, your software to become infected with any of the viruses discussed in not check the “Always compile MPW INITs” option, it is impossible for infected, you leave Vaccine installed and turned on all the time and you do Your Mac is now protected. As long as your system was not previously the instructions is an exception. floppies that you use as start-up disks. The virus tools disk described in You should also install copies of Vaccine in the system folders of any the two middle ones are not checked. Then restart your Mac. boxes. Make certain that the top and bottom boxes are checked, and that labeled “Vaccine” and click on it. You will see a column of four check the Control Panel desk accessory. Find the icon of a hypodermic needle To install Vaccine, drag a copy of it into your system folder. Then open installing Vaccine, to be certain that your software is uninfected. We recommend performing a Disinfectant scan immediately before archive, commercial online service, or store. be available from your favorite user group, bulletin board, Internet was written by Don Brown of CE Software, and it is free. Vaccine should Vaccine is the single most important virus-fighting tool you can use. It use the Vaccine control panel document (INIT/cdev). locate and repair previously infected software. For protection, you should Disinfectant will not protect your software against infection—it will only ====== Vaccine