Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSERG LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE dsetup DirectXSetup KERNEL32 GetLocaleInfoA KERNEL32 GetSystemDefaultLCID Maxis MaxisF Software\Maxis\b Program Files Program Files Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersiona RegisteredOwner29 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersiona RegisteredOrganization29 Setup\Maxis.exe FullTilt2Demoa maxhelp.exe& Maxis\FT2Demo, Maxis\FT2Demo Win95, Win31 FullTilt! 2 Demo FullTilt! 2 Demo FullTilt2Demo Pindemo2.exe! Pinball Ace! Setup Ereg31.exe Ereg95.exe!! Pinball2.ini! demos\simtown\install.exe! demos\widget\install.exe! Win95 MadDemo Win95\MadDemo MadDemo\Sound Win95\MadDemo\Sound MadDemo\Sound\lower Win95\MadDemo\Sound\lower Win31 FullTilt! 2 Demob MadDemo\MadDemo.exe Mad Scientist Demoby readme.txt FullTilt! 2 Demo ReadMeby FullTilt! 2 Demob MadDemo\MadDemo.exe Mad Scientist Demoby readme.txt FullTilt! 2 Demo ReadMeby Optionsa UserNamebv Optionsa UserCompanybw Optionsa FullScreena Optionsa Table0a MadScientistDemo% Optionsa Playersa Optionsa Soundsa Optionsa Musica Optionsa Redbook Audioa Optionsa Left Flipper keya Optionsa Right Flipper keya Optionsa Plunger keya Optionsa Left Table Bump keya Optionsa Right Table Bump keya Optionsa Bottom Table Bump keya Optionsa Ball Reflectionsa Optionsa Ball Spina Optionsa Gamma Correctiona Optionsa Floating Texta pindemo2.hlp% Optionsa HelpFileb Optionsa Shell Versiona pindemo2.exe% Optionsa Shell Exeb MadScientistDemoa Table Versiona MadScientistDemoa Table Ida MadDemo\MadDemo.exe% MadScientistDemoa Table Exeb MadDemo\MadDemo.bmp% MadScientistDemoa Table Bitmapb MadScientistDemoa Table Cda Demo CD% MadScientistDemoa Table Namea Mad Scientist Demo% MadScientistDemoa 0.Namea MadScientistDemoa 0.Scorea -999% MadScientistDemoa 1.Namea MadScientistDemoa 1.Scorea -999% MadScientistDemoa 2.Namea MadScientistDemoa 2.Scorea -999% MadScientistDemoa 3.Namea MadScientistDemoa 3.Scorea -999% MadScientistDemoa 4.Namea MadScientistDemoa 4.Scorea -999% MadScientistDemoa Verificationa -4995 Software\Maxis\FullTilt2DemoP UserNameA UserCompanyA FullScreenA Table0A MadScientistDemoA PlayersA SoundsA MusicA Sound QualityA Redbook AudioA Left Flipper keyA Right Flipper keyA Plunger keyA Left Table Bump keyA Right Table Bump keyA Bottom Table Bump keyA Screen Resolution keyA 4294967295A Ball ReflectionsA Ball SpinA Gamma CorrectionA Floating TextA pindemo2.hlpQ HelpFileA Shell VersionA pindemo2.exeQ Shell ExeA MadScientistDemo Table VersionA Table IdA MadDemo\MadDemo.exeQ Table ExeA MadDemo\MadDemo.bmpQ Table BitmapA Table CdA Demo CDA Table NameA Mad Scientist DemoA 0.NameA 0.ScoreA -999A 1.NameA 1.ScoreA -999A 2.NameA 2.ScoreA -999A 3.NameA 3.ScoreA -999A 4.NameA 4.ScoreA -999A VerificationA -4995A Win31 Win95 Software\Maxis\b Registration Player NameA Company NameA Paths HomeA \Demos\Win95Q GoodiesA Localize LanguageA Electronic Registration! Would you like to electronically register directx dxkita.exe Could not run dxkita.exeA dsound.dll% Setup\directx\directx setup\directx SETUP\DIRECTX Setup\directx\dsetup.dll dsetup.dll! English( Setup Setup Welcome Choose Installation Option( All elements of b can run directly from $ your CD, but you can choose to copy them to your hard drive $ for best performance. Which option would you prefer? All elements of b can run directly from $ your CD, but you can choose to copy some of them to your hard drive $ for better performance. Which option would you prefer? Run From &CD ( Copy &some of files to Hard Drive ( Copy &more files to Hard Drive ( Copy most of the files to &Hard Drive ( Copy files to Hard Drive ( mb - less disk space) mb - saves spece) mb - better performance) mb - even better performance) mb - best performance)$ Please select a directory on your hard drive a where you would like to install $ Choose Destination Location The directory you have selected is invalid, please select a different directory. You may not create a new directory with a path longer than 63 characters. Unable to access drive There is not enough space available on the disk Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk Folder Selection You may not create a new folder with a length longer than 63 characters. Invalid program group name. Enter Your Namen What is your name? You may enter up to by characters. Enter Your Associationn Please tell me, $ , from what fine company do you hail? Again, you maya enter up to $ characters. nowhere Welcome Please enter fewer than by characters. Installing b Copying program files... Unable to create a directory under . Please check write access to this directory. Setup ran out of memory while copying! Terminate any running applications and try again. Setup ran out of disk space while copying! Clear some space on your hard drive and try again.$ A Read-Only copy of one of the b files is already present on your hard drive. Please remove it and try again. Setting up the program registry.... Creating Folder and Icons....$ installation complete! Setup completed successfully. You may run the a# installed program by selecting the $ program icons in the program group. Setup completed successfully. You may run the a# installed program by selecting the $ program icons in the Programs menu. Do you want to restart Windows?$ You may not be able to play b without restarting Windows first. Do you want to restart Windows now? Reminder$ You may have to restart Windows for b to run properly. Do you really wish to exit ? Continue the installation.$ can't be installed Setup detected that your operating$ system is not capable of running $ . Click OK to quit $ Setup. You are from Is this correct? You are You are from $ requires that Win32s be installed on $ your computer to run. Launching Win32s Setup. requires that QuickTime for Windows be installed on $ your computer to run. Do you want to automatically install QuickTime now? (You can install it later by double clicking on the 'Qt16b57.exe' $ icon in the 'Setup\Qtw' directory on the installation CD.) Portions of b require that Acrobat Reader be installed on $ your computer to run. Do you want to automatically install Acroread now? (You can install it later by double clicking on the 'Acroread.exe' $ icon in the 'Setup\Acroread' directory on the installation CD.) requires that portions of DirectX be installed on $ your computer to run. DirectX can be automatically installed $ on most computers. Do you want to automatically install DirectX now? (You can install it later by double clicking on the 'Dxsetup' $ icon in the 'Setup\DirectX\DirectX' directory on the installation CD.) DirectX 3.0$ Sound in FullTilt! 2 may not work properly unless DirectX 3.0 is installed. Installing DirectX 3.0 is recommended. DirectX Setup Failed! Source File Not Found Bad Source Size Bad Source Time No Copy Out of Disk Space Can't Find INF Can't Find Directory Internal Error DirectX Setup Failed! DirectX was sucsessfully installed!$ DirectX could not be installed automatically on this computer. Before playing $ , you must $ install DirectX by double clicking on the 'Dxsetup' icon $ in the 'Win95\DirectX' directory on the installation CD. requires that Sound Setup be installed on $ your computer to run. Setup has detected that this product is already installed on aL your computer. We recommend that you unInstall the previous copy before you $ install again. Do you wish to install over it? English Setup\WinG WING.DLLA WING32.DLLA WINGDE.DLLA WINGDIB.DRVA WINGPAL.WNDA DVA.386R DVA.386a DVA.386A DVA.386a DVA.386! DVA.386a DVA.386! SYSTEM.INIa SYSTEM.MXS SYSTEM.INIa dva.386R SYSTEM.INIa 386Enha devicea dva.386a dva.386 Win32s win32s.iniR Win32sa VersionR win32s.ini% Setup\Win32s\Disk1\setup.exe Setup\Qtw\Qt16b57.exe Setup\Soundmix\Ssetup.exe $ BLANK BLANK Install Widget Workshop Demo% Install SimTown Demo% Visit the Maxis Website% Setup\html\maxis.htm Setup\url.ico Visit the Maxis Website% Setup\maxis.url UnInstall b Setup\Smacker Setup\Smacker Smackw32.dlla Setup\Acroread\Acroread.exe _EWQC _MRQJ 3.00.071