****************************************************************** Using Adobe Type with Professional Page ****************************************************************** Introduction Welcome to salvation for you type-hungry Pro-Page users. This is the first package of its kind for the Amiga, and it's all shareware! I'm sure Gold Disk, inc. won't be too impressed when people stop buying their pre-made .metric files, but they really won't mind because you dumb people will be buying Compugraphic outline screen fonts from them. Don't worry, though. I'll get to that little problem soon enough. Put it this way: Compugraphic doesn't have the selection that Adobe has. You'll never find Adobe Garamond or Utopia (The Adobe Originals), or their expert collections in CG format. You'll never find a wider selection of service bureaus than those who support PostScript output. They all have modems. They all have either a LaserWriter at 300 DPI with every Adobe typeface that exists, or a 2400 DPI typesetter with all of the above, all at your fingertips. Problem is, you need screen fonts and metric files to access that vast library of Adobe, or other PostScript type. And you had to be a Macintosh user to get those... until now! With this package you can download or file transfer Macintosh screen fonts, Mac or IBM format .AFM metric files, and from them create Amiga screen fonts and PPage .metric files. And give yourself an open door to the library of Adobe and PostScript type! Here's what you'll find here: 1) ConvertAFM: This wonder creates .metric files from Adobe (or other) .AFM files. Any commercial or PD Macintosh PostScript typeface uses .AFMs. Also, kerning information is recorded (Tested with Adobe Garamond which uses over 600 (!) kerning pairs) and is made available by selecting 'Kerning' from PPage's Type menu. Written in the fastest language next to C or Assembler: HiSoft BASIC. Watch this thing fly! 2) Rico Mariani's MacFont Package: This package converts Macintosh FONT or NFNT resources to Amiga screen fonts. Macintosh screen fonts provide the best possible screen display without going to outline fonts, therefore saving precious memory. PPage 1.3 and 1.31 scale down large point sizes, so on a 24-pin or HP printer you'll still get great proofs, and at 200% magnification you can actually read 4 point text! 3) UnStuffIt, or UnSIT. This will unarchive Macintosh .SIT files allowing the Amiga user easy access to a service bureau's screen fonts by downloading .SIT files. Current version doesn't support 'RLE' compression, so make sure your service bureau disables 'RLE' compression, or if this isn't possible, to disable compression all together. 4) ISOLatin1: New keymap for users of Mac screen fonts. Uses CTRL key in combination with ALT and SHIFT-ALT to simulate the Macintosh keymap. Great for font-specific encoded typefaces whose characters aren't accessable by the Amiga usa1 keymap, yet allows full compatibility with the usa1 keymap, including the extra keypad keys on the A500 and A2000. This package is shareware. If anyone knows Rico Mariani's address, please send him $20.00 US for the MacFont package. Please send whoever wrote UnStuffIt $20.00 US as well. Without him, I'd still be trying to find a way to get Mac screen fonts on the Amiga. Please send me $30.00 US or $40.00 Canadian for ConvertAFM (The toughest program I've written yet, simply because Gold Disk has no documentation on their .metric file format, and I spent most of Christmas '89 cracking it) and for the ISOLatin1 keymap. Send my Shareware fees to: Gordon Fecyk PPage Adobe Font Access Package 296 Cheriton Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R2G 0E7, Canada If you do, I'll send upgrades of ConvertAFM, and a disk with Adobe Packages 1 to 13 screen fonts (Including Optima, ITC Machine, and Helvetica Light /Black for use with PPage or any Amiga program that uses screen fonts. Please note that screen fonts may be given away (According to Adobe Systems) on condition that the user uses the services of the service bureau that gave him the screen fonts in the first place. Call Adobe Systems(1-800-83-FONTS) for more details. You can also order Adobe screen fonts from the same number. Copyright notices: Adobe, PostScript, The Adobe Originals, and any font names I speak of in this documentation, are trademarks of Adobe Systems, inc. Professional Page is a product of Gold Disk, inc. and the .metric file format is property of Gold Disk. Because of this, I can't give source code for ConvertAFM. NFNT format, FONT format, Apple, Macintosh, and LaseWriter are copywritten by Apple Computer, inc. (Go ahead... sue me!) MacFont is the creation of Rico Mariani. Amiga is a trademark of Commodore-Amiga limited (But what limit is there to the Amiga, eh?) Have fun, and welcome to a new world of type!