************************************************************* Using Adobe Type with Profesional Page ************************************************************* Part 4: The ISOLatin1 Character Set This file doesn't need to be used, but it'll make working with Mac screen fonts much easier. It's a new keymap that works just like usa1 on the Workbench disk, except that CTRL-ALT give the Macintosh alternate character set, and CTRL-SHIFT-ALT gives the Macintosh Shifted-alternate character set. The extra keypad keys on the A500 and A2000 are unaffected by this, and they'll work normally. For font-specific encoded typefaces, you can get the key layout from your service bureau, and using ISOLatin1 you can use those same keymaps on the Amiga. Using ISOLatin1 To use the new keymap, you must copy it to your devs/keymaps directory on your PPage disk or hard disk. To activate the keymap use the SetMap command: SetMap ISOLatin1 or SYS:System/SetMap ISOLatin1 NOTE: Because of the software I used (SetKey 1.0 by CodeWorks) The CTRL-ALT-Minus combination would cause a system error if I defined it. Instead, I used the keypad minus key. Pressing CTRL-ALT-Minus does nothing. Pressing CTRL-ALT-KeypadMinus gives a D0 in hex, or an En-Dash. I used the CTRL key as a qualifier because I didn't want to disturb the normal Amiga keymap, just in case any of you have memorized it. Also, Professional Page and other programs use the ALT and SHIFT-ALT qualifiers for their own purposes. Using CTRL-ALT and CTRL-SHIFT-ALT just makes life a little bit simpler for those who want the best of both worlds. NOTE: If you're using a typeface set to use Amiga standard encoding, what you see on screen may not be the same as what you get, mainly if you're using Macintosh screen fonts. To get the special characters, follow the Amiga or PPage keymaps for getting characters from the Amiga's alternate character set. I'm working on making PPage use Apple standard encoding for its display and PostScript printing, and by the looks of their PSPrlg file it doesn't look hard. And that's it. Time to let Adobe Type and Professional Page go to work for you.