Document 0096 DOCN M9620096 TI Pulmonary microsporidiosis in a patient with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. A case report. DT 9602 AU Remadi S; Dumais J; Wafa K; MacGee W; Division of Cytopathology, Hopital Cantonal Universitaire de; Geneve, Switzerland. SO Acta Cytol. 1995 Nov-Dec;39(6):1112-6. Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE MED/96074705 AB BACKGROUND: Microsporidian protozoa are increasingly recognized as pathogenic organisms related to host immunosuppression. CASE: We report a case of pulmonary microsporidiosis detected in aspirated bronchial material and in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid collected from a 26-year-old, male acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patient presenting pulmonary symptoms and known to have intestinal microsporidiosis. The diagnosis was made on cytologic examination of the material processed according to the Papanicolaou technique, evaluated by Giemsa, Gram's, Grocott and chromotrope-2R modified trichrome preparations and by fungi-fluor fluorescent mycology stain. CONCLUSION: Our findings reveal an important fluorescent property of intracellular microsporidian spores, heretofore undescribed in the literature. DE Adult Animal AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/*PATHOLOGY/PARASITOLOGY Biopsy, Needle Bronchi/*PATHOLOGY Bronchoalveolar Lavage Human Lung Diseases, Parasitic/*PATHOLOGY/*PARASITOLOGY Male Microspora Infections/*PATHOLOGY/*PARASITOLOGY Microsporida/*ISOLATION & PURIF JOURNAL ARTICLE SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).