Document 0206 DOCN M9620206 TI Why disease due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis is less common than expected in HIV-positive patients in Edinburgh. DT 9602 AU Leitch AG; Rubilar M; Watt B; Laing R; Willcocks L; Brettle RP; Leen CL; Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine (RIE), University of; Edinburgh, U.K. SO Respir Med. 1995 Aug;89(7):495-7. Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE MED/96048169 AB By December 1993, only five cases of tuberculosis were observed in the 1030 HIV-positive patients in Edinburgh, U.K., although, on the basis of historical tuberculin skin test data, between four and eight new cases of tuberculosis were expected per year. Of 310 HIV-positive patients, none of the 19 (6.1%) who were tuberculin skin test positive had developed tuberculosis after 87 months (average) of follow-up. It is suggested that new or re-infection is a more common cause of tuberculosis in HIV-positive patients than reactivation. Restriction fragment length polymorphism typing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains could confirm this hypothesis and support currently suggested additional infection control procedures. DE Adult Follow-Up Studies Human HIV Infections/*COMPLICATIONS Male Recurrence Scotland/EPIDEMIOLOGY Tuberculin Test Tuberculosis/COMPLICATIONS/*EPIDEMIOLOGY/MICROBIOLOGY JOURNAL ARTICLE SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).