Document 0868 DOCN M9620868 TI Clinical isolates of Mycobacterium simiae in San Antonio, Texas. An 11-yr review. DT 9602 AU Valero G; Peters J; Jorgensen JH; Graybill JR; Department of Infectious Diseases, University of Texas Health; Science Center at San Antonio 78284-7870, USA. SO Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1995 Nov;152(5 Pt 1):1555-7. Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE MED/96048813 AB During a period of 11 yr (1983-1993) 137 clinical isolates of Mycobacterium simiae obtained from 75 patients were identified in a University hospital in San Antonio, Texas. One hundred twenty-eight isolates (93%) were from a pulmonary source, four (3%) from blood, and five from other sites including skin, urine, lymph node, bone marrow, and brain. Of 62 evaluable patients, six (10%) had definite infection, nine (14%) had probable disease, and 48 (76%) were thought to be colonized. During the last 2 yr of the study (1992 and 1993), M. simiae became the second most frequently isolated nontuberculous mycobacterium at this institution surpassed only by Mycobacterium avium complex. There are limited data about effective treatment for this multidrug-resistant organism. New macrolides, quinolones, ethambutol, clofazimine, and aminoglycosides are promising therapeutic agents. DE Adult AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/MICROBIOLOGY Child, Preschool Drug Resistance, Microbial Drug Resistance, Multiple Female Human HIV-1 Male Microbial Sensitivity Tests Middle Age Mycobacterium/DRUG EFFECTS/*ISOLATION & PURIF Mycobacterium Infections/MICROBIOLOGY Retrospective Studies Texas JOURNAL ARTICLE SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).