HELP-INITIALISATION H_PROG V 1.2 This allows you to change the default communications parameters and the default directories of the program. These parameters are stored in a file is called HITACHI.INI which resides in the program directory. You can alter this file from the menu, or with a text editor. Please note that the entries MUST be in the form that they have in the original INI file. e.g. the Parity values MUST begin with an ",". Communications: NOTE: The parameters must FIRST be set up on the HITACHI F-2000 manually THEN you have to make the program agree with the HITACHI. (Stupid system but that's how the public command language is). COM Ports: Because of limitations in how BASIC handles com ports, you only get a choice of Com1: and Com2:. (It is possible to get Com3: and Com4: but that is serious interrupt programming, a bit beyond my present expertise). Baud: Restricted to the choices available with the HITACHI F-2000, the highest rate it can handle is 4800. Use 4800 unless you have data clashes, then try a lower rate. Parity: For most computers N,8,1 is best (No parity, 8 data bits, one stop bit). Again, the choices are restricted by what the Hitachi can handle. Several of the combinations in the Hitachi manual cannot be used with DOS machines. NOTE 2: If you alter the INI file with a text editor, then you can include values for parity that I have left out (there were too many weird ones). The program will accept them. Directories: I have set up the program so that the program files, data and temp files are stored in different directories. This allows easy control of files. As temp files are deleted at the end of each operation, you could ignore this, but it allows you to set a RAM disk as your temp file storage, speeding things up. The Menu system: You change Communications parameters either by a simple "press a key" system. Directories are typed in, there is a primitive system to check that it is a valid file name. Only existing directories are accepted. You will be prompted for another name if a non-existent directory is typed in. You can choose to use the altered parameters only for a particular session, or save then to the INI file. If things go badly wrong you can restore the internal defaults in the program.