MathFlash Form1% rnd1_objects Text3 Text3 MS Sans Serif Text2 Text2 MS Sans Serif Picture1 reward rnd3_objects rnd2_objects operation MS Sans Serif operation MS Sans Serif operation MS Sans Serif operation MS Sans Serif Text1 Text1 MS Sans Serif text1 hidden ACCEPT Label1 Bonus Bell score correct Label3 MS Sans Serif operand MS Sans Serif utilityname Utilities limits &Change Limits About About Form_ClickD mainP form1 load_operation division_Click label1 Caption label2 @ form_load text1 answer user_input` answerThenm Text1_Change hidden_Click answer_flag one_timeC quit_Click operationG operation_Click- Index8 operandt case_index upper_limit upperlim_Click' limits_Click upper lowerO lower_limit limits2 limits_form limits_fo limit iteration percent_correct num_right correctW u_objects Visible rnd1_objects rnd_objects rnd2_objectsX objects1 remove_objects display_objects correct_Click objects hide_objectsz hiddenb screenA ActiveControl gotfocus Text1_LostFocus$ textbox graph_progress_Click stud_graph offset starting starting_red @ test_zero? stud_name Help_Click student_nameq student_rec @ find_last lastrecord About_Click about_form about renew_data_file_Click highscore score reward_draw" reward_counter reward reward_y_startv reward_y reward_hide picture1 PictureZ rnd_box borderstyle9 text2W text34 set_text_focusR TabStop rnd3j Text2_Changez Text2_LostFocus Text3_Change Text3_LostFocus tabindex Command1_Click correct_answer rnd3_objects reward_Change opensoundG sound closesoundg Frequency SetVoiceSound Duration StartSound nSource nDuration Form_Unload Cancel sound drivers sound.drv sound.drv sound.drv sound.drv About_Click Command1_Click display_objects loading control array drawing blocks for text1 (product box)s find_last form_load picture1.Picture = LoadPicture("misc07.ico")h Help_Click Type the answer to complete the equation in the empty box. Press ENTER or click 'ACCEPT'. Boxes will be drawn when upper limit = 10 and the operation is addition or subtraction. Five correct answers rings bell and adds 1,000 points. hidden_Click msg$ = "Right Answer!" % correct Score : Try Again. % correct hide_objects limits_Click load_operation answer_flag = 0 then right answer, -1 then wrong answer rnd2 can't be 0 set_text_focus_ MsgBox Str$(rnd_box) operation_Click quit_Click STUDENT.DAT remove_objects renew_data_file_Click d:\vb2\student.dat reward_draw reward_hide set_text_focus sound test_zero upperlim_Click