Last modified on Wednesday, January 31, 1996 - 6:48:01 PM
You can register MODFLOW Help File by paying the registration fee; $25 for an individual license and $100 for a site license covering 10 users. You can use the form below. It is reproduced in the file MFH_REG.TXT. The following individuals can register at no charge. They are all authors of MODFLOW packages covered in this document.
Registration of "The MODFLOW Help File" date _______________________________ Your name and address ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Your telephone number ____________________________________ Your Fax number ____________________________________ Your email address ____________________________________If you need it the LSU Department of Geology and Geophysics tax number is 72-6000-848<- This is "mfh_reg.jpg"
Registered users can receive a replacement for the file "mfh_reg.jpg" that will indicate that they are registered. How would you like to receive this file? 1. Send it at no charge as an email attachment encoded via ___ MIME (base 64) ___ UUencoded ___ BinHex 2. Mail it on a diskette for an additional $5.00. Please indicate the disk size, capacity, and platform (Dos, Mac, UNIX). Disk size _______________________________________ Disk capacity ___________________________________ Platform ________________________________________ 3. _____ Do not send it. No. of copies Total Individual registration fee - $25.00 _____________ _______ Site License - $100.00 _____________ _______ Optional charge for mail delivery $5.00 _______ Total _______ Make checks payable to LSU Department of Geology and Geophysics and mail to Richard B. Winston Dept. of Geology and Geophysics Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, La 70803 USA
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