MAP Authoring Template V0.1 (Clip this line) ================================================================ Title : Base Wars 2: Assault v1.0 Filename : Author : Null Space and BrassNukl Email Address : Null Space (75363,3076) Misc. Author Info : BrassNukl made the fortress, and I made the bunker and other miscellaneous things. Description : The objective is to stay in control of the fortress for as long as possible. The fortress has many secrets, and the bunker has a couple too. Additional Credits to : The creator of the original Base Wars level for the great idea. Thanks! ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1L1 Single Player : Just to look around Cooperative 2-8 Player : NO Deathmatch 2-8 Player : YES (2 PLayer only, but that will be changed in the next version. Difficulty Settings : NO New Sounds : NO New Graphics : NO New Music : NO New Programming : NO Demos Replaced : NO FOR GOD SAKES! * Construction * Base : None ExMx/xxx.MAP Editor(s) used : BUILD! What else? Known Bugs : Needs to be fixed up some, but I'll do that by the next version. Expect another version very soon. Base Wars 2: Assault is being edited almost all the time by BrassNukl. * Where to get this map * FTP sites: NONE BBS numbers: NONE Other: Compuserve Apogee (GO Realms) and Action Games (GO Action) Forums OR E-Mail me at 75363,3076 for the newest version I have at the time.