====================================================================== Title : CRUISIN.MAP (duke nukem3d reg.) Author : BITETBONE E-mail : bitetbone@aol.com Web Page : Description : cruise the town & shoot it up,or sit in the control room and use the krooze-cams & kill- cams. a 130K+ map, i think its a pretty good sized one. cruise around on your choice of 4 vehicles thru a city-type scene and pick off critters, or yer buddies, or get picked off. there is considerable time and effort in this map, i hope it shows. it IS worth downloading! please be aware: some scenes were pushing the limit as far as frame rates and my machine! i have a 486dx4-100,12meg ram,2meg vlb vram. and i had a little bogging some times. Additional Credits to : 3d-realms for a monumental effort ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : user map Single Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : build Known Bugs : some scenes push frame rate limits,don't try to blow up all the bottles in the liquer store with a pipe bomb or the rpg,you may crash! (i did) i left them all in there cuz its great fun to shoot them with the machine gun. yes,i pushed the limits here as far as i can tell,if it won't run on slow machines well,i would'nt be suprised.(i think mines so-so and it had to work real hard!) PLEASE send comments,i'm curious,tell me- good?,bad?,death-threats?,what? * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: BBS numbers: Other:AOL keyword: apogee to:3d-realms user submitted duke3d levels ===========================================================================