Filename : TRIDETHA.MAP; TRIDETHB.MAP Author : Dominic Salvia Email Address : Author Info : Just a wierd Duke freak Description : Two levels based on an all time favouite Doom level (with added Duke specific touches) is for 3 or more players, for head to head. It might not look much but there's a lot of kills in there, especially with 4+ in tridethb. Additional Credits to : Mark for making me an all-round better duke player, the author of the original trideth for Doom (sorry, I can't remember your name) and those dudes at 3drealms. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes, but you'll be lonley DukeMatch Level : YES! tridetha for 3+ players, tridethb for head to head. Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch (inspiration from trideth for Doom 2) Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : As far as I know there are none. * Where to get this MAP file * You got it so you should know where...