Forsaken Demo FAQ
Current Issues and Answers to Common Problems
2/4/98 Update
version: all
- Please uninstall the self playing demo if it was previously installed before installing the playable demo or change the installation directory demo to something different. Having the playable demo overwrite the self playing version may cause problems.
- You may experience difficulties running Forsaken if you don't have the latest drivers from the manufacturer of your 3D accelerator card.
- Please make sure you have directx5 and the new directplay patch
called dplay50a.exe installed. Note: THE DIRECTPLAY PATCH dplay50a.exe MUST BE INSTALLED. If you have the retail cd version the directplay patch is located on the CD in the directx folder. You can also download it from if you have the Internet version.
version: all
Power VR
- Forsaken currently has problems working on the Power VR. You will notice that TranslucencyÆs are not working properly. This will be fixed for the final version.
- The PowerVR version of the demo does not show any cursor on some of the menus. There is no way around this right now. This should hopefully be fixed for the final release of the game.
Riva 128 chipset
- Using a Riva Based accelerator at 800x600 you will experience some texture problems on the pickups. To fix this change you screen resolution to 640x480, this problem should be fixed in the final.
Sidewinder Precision Pro
- If you are using the sidewinder precision pro you will need to install the SWNDR15.EXE patch to assign the base buttons. This will also allow you to delete configurations on the joystick button setup screen. The only configurations you will not be able to delete on the button configuration screen is Hat setup. This will be fixed for the final version. This patch is located on the CD version in the directx folder or you can download the file at if you have the Internet version.
- Once you assign an action to the HAT switch on the Microsoft Sidewinder joystick you cannot unassign an action . This problem will be fixed in the final version. If all else fails you can erase the user configuration files (*.cfg) in the game directory and start again.
version: all
- If you are having trouble connecting when playing using a modem2modem connection try changing who is the host and who joins. Sometimes modems have trouble connecting to other brand modems.
- A new addition to the multiplayer setup screen for the host is Bright Bikes. This allows a bike to be highlighted when a projectile passes by. For the final version bikes will have a full-time thruster emitting from the back of the bike to help differentiate between other items on the playing field.
version: all
- You will notice your vehicle bumping on walls and going through narrow doorways. This is a known bug and will be fixed for the final version. Sorry to all those triple chorders out there who slide on the walls. This will be fixed.
version: all
- Double Chording - To get extra speed while flying try pressing slide "left or right" and Forwards at the same time. It will give a bit of a boost.
- Triple Chording - Forsaken also supports triple Chording which is slide "left or right", Slide "up or down" and Forwards at the same time.
- You can also do double and triple chording with Nitro in the final version.
- Learn how to use the roll and slide options in conjunction. It will help you evade projectiles like heat seeking missiles and enemy fire.
2/4/98 Update
Riva 128 Update
Textures 2/4/98
When running Forsaken on the a Riva 128 run the "Forsaken Demo"
shortcut rather than "Forsaken Demo for Riva128", the front end is
forced to use blitted text & will look much better.
KALI95 Bug
KALI 1.0 does not work with Forsaken, you must use KALI95 3.1.
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