---------------------- README.TXT for TREES.ZIP ----------------------------- Dick LeVitt, CIS 72616,2066 1/29/94 TREES.ZIP contains files for rendering realistic ficus-like trees in POV-Ray 2.0. The tree object (MYTREE.INC) was created with Lj Lapre's L-System Parser/Mutator, available on CompuServe's GRAPHDEV forum. L-Systems are "an algorithmic approach to the description, analysis, and developmental simulation of multicellular organisms" originated by Aristid Lindenmayer, a theoretical biologist. For more information, see Lindenmeyer and Prusinkiewicz' article in "Artificial Life," edited by Christopher G. Langton (Addison Wesley, 1989); or see "The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants," by Prusinkiewicz and Lindenmeyer. In addition to this README file, TREES.ZIP contains: TREES.POV example scene and textures MYTREE.INC the MyTree object BARKTEX.GIF bark texture bump_map MYTREE01.LS a script for generating a lush, small-leaved tree MYTREE03.LS a script for the tree in MYTREE.INC Note: if you generate your own *.inc files with L-Parser, you may need to enter texture references by string search-and-replace. The L-Parser output creates pigment{} and finish{} statements for each sub-object, rather than texture{}. MYTREE.INC has been hand modified for the textures in TREES.POV. Thanks to Lj Lapre for LPARSER and for TREE05.LS on which MYTREE*.LS is based. -- Dick