SuperCalc ver. 1.00 Form 1040 & Schedule W "Form 1040 & Schedule W "Filing 40 & S "Exemptions "Schedule W "Spouse "Worksheet for State And Local Income Tax Refund "IRA Worksheet State A "Yours rksheet "Spouse's "Soc Sec # " Yours " Spouse's "Status "Maximum Social Security Tax Withholding Refu p 3003 "1. Wages,Salaries,and Tips (Change R2 and S2 as req'd) IF(A5=B3,E5,0)+IF(A6=B3,E6,0)+IF(A7=B3,E7,0)+IF(A8=B3,E8,0)+IF(A9=B3,E9,0) IF(A5=C3,E5,0)+IF(A6=C3,E6,0)+IF(A7=C3,E7,0)+IF(A8=C3,E8,0)+IF(A9=C3,E9,0) "1a) Total State Income Tax Refunds - - - - - - - - "1a 1986 IRA payments for 1986 deductions 999887777 666554444 "Federal "State RA p "Local "2. Net pr'ft/loss from Sched's C and F,Sched K-1, etc "1b) Total Local Income Tax Refunds - - - - - - - - "1b IRA payments prior to Apr 16, 87 for 1986 deductions "Social Security No. "Employer "Wages "Inc Tax "FICA "Inc Tax curi "Inc Tax "3. Total earned income o Apr R2+R3 C3,E5, S2+S3 C3,E5, "2) Amount shown on line 26, Sched A for 1985 eductio "1c Total 1986 IRA payments Y2+Y3 C3,E5, Z2+Z3 C3,E5, 999887777 "XYZ Corp YZ C "4. Adjustments from Form 1040 ched A "3) To Form 1040 Line 10 MIN(V2+V3,V4) +IF(A6 "2a Wages and other earned income 999887777 "ABC Company BC C "5. Qualified earned income R4-R5 +V3,V4 S4-S5 +V3,V4 "2b Line 37 form 2555 (Foreign earned income) 666554444 "Green & Sons reen "6. Maximum qualifying amount MIN(30000,MIN(R6,S6)) 3,E6,0 "Pension and Annuity worksheet Enter any rollover here -> "2c Difference nuity w Y5-Y6 000,MI Z5-Z6 000,MI 666554444 "Williams Inc. uity w illi "7. Percentage used "1a) Your total contributions to pension plan - - - - - "3 Maximum Amount ($2,000) 666554444 "Williams Inc. unt ($2 illi "8. Sched W deduction to Form 1040, Line 30 S8*S7 000,MI "1b) Total pension received to date - - - - - - - - "4 Smallest of lines 1c, 2c, or 3 MIN(Y4,Y7,Y8) R6,S6) MIN(Z4,Z7,Z8) R6,S6) "1c) Amount of unrecovered contributions - - - - - - IF(V8-V9>0,V8-V9,0) "Line 7 Wages,Salaries,Tips,etc. SUM(E5:E9) "Line 33 AGI from line 32 ps,e "2) Amount of pension received this year - To line 17a "Complete lines 5a thru 10 for non-working spouse only "Line 8 Interest Income 10 for "Line 34a From line 26 Sched A non-wor "3) Non-taxable amount of this year's pension se only MIN(V10,V11) -V9,0) "5a 1986 IRA payments for 1986 deductions "Ln 9a Div'ds "Ln 9b Excl'n IF(E1=2,MIN(B13,200),MIN(B13,100)) ! "............ "Line 34b or Char Cont from wrksht "4) Taxable amount of this year's pension - To line 17b IF(V11-V12>0,V11-V12,0) "5b IRA payments prior to Apr 16, 87 for 1986 deductions "Line 9c Subtract 9b from 9a B13-D13 "Line 35 Subtract 34a or 34b from Line 33 986 IF(J12=0,J11-J13,J11-J12) "5c Total 1986 IRA payments Y12+Y13 "Line 10 State & Local income tax refund *U1* "Line 36 Exemption Allowance IF(H1>0,1080*H1,ERROR) "Unemployment Compensation Worksheet "6 Enter amount from line 2c "Line 11 Alimony received "Line 37 Taxable Income 50*(INT(J16/50)+.5) IF(J14-J15>0,J14-J15,0) INT(((J16-LOOKUP(LOOKUP(J16,L19:L34),M19:M34))*LOOKUP(J16,L19:L34)+LOOKUP(J16,N19:N34))*100+.5)/100 INT(((J16-LOOKUP(LOOKUP(J16,P19:P33),Q19:Q33))*LOOKUP(J16,P19:P33)+LOOKUP(J16,R19:R33))*100+.5)/100 INT(((J16-LOOKUP(LOOKUP(J16,L36:L50),M36:M50))*LOOKUP(J16,L36:L50)+LOOKUP(J16,N36:N50))*100+.5)/100 INT(((J16-LOOKUP(LOOKUP(J16,P36:P50),Q36:Q50))*LOOKUP(J16,P36:P50)+LOOKUP(J16,R36:R50))*100+.5)/100 "If your filing status is 3 and you lived with your spouse at any time "7 Maximum Amount ($2,000) "Line 12 Business Inc/Loss from Schedule C "Line 38 Income Tax IF(E1=1,P17,IF(OR(E1=2,E1=5),Q17,IF(E1=4,R17,IF(E1=3,S17,NA)))) INT((I16-LOOKUP(LOOKUP(I16,L19:L34),M19:M34))*LOOKUP(I16,L19:L34)+LOOKUP(I16,N19:N34)+.5) INT((I16-LOOKUP(LOOKUP(I16,P19:P33),Q19:Q33))*LOOKUP(I16,P19:P33)+LOOKUP(I16,R19:R33)+.5) INT((I16-LOOKUP(LOOKUP(I16,L36:L50),M36:M50))*LOOKUP(I16,L36:L50)+LOOKUP(I16,N36:N50)+.5) INT((I16-LOOKUP(LOOKUP(I16,P36:P50),Q36:Q50))*LOOKUP(I16,P36:P50)+LOOKUP(I16,R36:R50)+.5) IF(AND(E1=1,J16<50000),MIN(L16,L17),L16) IF(AND(OR(E1=2,E1=5),J16<50000),MIN(M16,M17),M16) IF(AND(E1=4,J16<50000),MIN(N16,L17),N16) IF(AND(E1=3,J16<50000),MIN(O16,O17),O16) "during the year, enter the number 1 (one) in this spot - -> "8 Smallest of lines 5c, 6, or 7 MIN(Y14,Y15,Y16) "Line 13 Capital Gains/Loss From Schedule D "Line 39 Additional Taxes s Fr "Tax Rate Schedule X "Tax Rate Schedule Y Filing Status 2 or 5 "1 Enter total unemployment compensation from form(s) 1099-G "9 Total of lines 4 and 8 not to exceed $2,500 orm(s) MIN(Y9+Y17,2250) "Line 14 40% Capital Gains Distr exce "Line 40 Totals ital G J17+J18 "2 Overpayment repaid in 1986 exce "10 Smaller of lines 6 and 9 MIN(Y15,Y18) "Line 15 Supplemental Gains/Losses from Form 4797 p!.11 (L20-L19)*M19+O19 p!.11 (P20-P19)*Q19+S19 "3 Difference V18-V19 "Earned Income Credit Worksheet es fro "Line 16 Full taxable pensions, IRA, annuities "Ln 41 Child Care Credit sions p!.12 (L21-L20)*M20+O20 p!.12 (P21-P20)*Q20+S20 "4 From form 1040 line 22 plus lines 7 thru 19 SUM(E11:E25)+E30 "Enter number 1 (one) if qualified per instructions "Line 17a Other pensions etc *U7* ! "............ "Ln 42 Credit for Elderly p!.14 (L22-L21)*M21+O21 p!.14 (P22-P21)*Q21+S21 "5 Subtotals V20+V21 "1 From line 7 form 1040 "Line 17b Taxable amount from worksheet nstruc "Ln 43 Political Contributions orkshee p!.15 (L23-L22)*M22+O22 12840 p!.16 (P23-P22)*Q22+S22 "6 From form 1040 line 31 less line 30 nstruc E43-D41 "1a Enter other compensation (see instruction) "Line 18 Rents etc from Schedule E "Line 44 Total Personal Credits !2"---------- SUM(I21:I23) p!.16 (L24-L23)*M23+O23 17270 p!.18 (P24-P23)*Q23+S23 "7 Difference V22-V23 "2 Enter amount from schedule SE line 9 tion) "Line 19 Farm Income from Schedule F "Line 45 (line 40 less line 44) IF(J19-J24>0,J19-J24,0) 11650 p!.18 (L25-L24)*M24+O24 21800 p!.22 (P25-P24)*Q24+S24 "8 $18,000, $12,000, or $0 IF(AND(V17<>0,E1=3),0,IF(E1=2,18000,12000)) "3 Earned Income IF(SUM(Y22:Y24)>0,SUM(Y22:Y24),NA) "Line 20a Unemployment Comp *U15* ! "............ "Ln 46 Foreign Tax Credit 13920 (L26-L25)*M25+O25 26550 p!.25 (P26-P25)*Q25+S25 "9 Difference IF(V24>V25,V24-V25,0) Y22:Y2 "4 Adjusted Gross Income IF(J11<10000,J11,NA) Y22:Y2 "Line 20b Taxable amount from worksheet 000,1 IF(V26=0,0,V28) "Ln 47 Gen'l Business Credit 16190 p!.23 (L27-L26)*M26+O26 32270 p!.28 (P27-P26)*Q26+S26 "10 one half of line 9 INT(V26*50+.5)/100 "5 See Table if requested otherwise skip this line See Table IF(ISNA(Y26),NA,IF(Y26<=6000,("See Table"),NA)) "Line 21a Social Sec benefits *U30* ! "............ "Line 48 Total Business Credits "---------- I26+I27 19640 p!.26 (L28-L27)*M27+O27 37980 p!.33 (P28-P27)*Q27+S27 "11 Smaller of lines 3 or 10 MIN(V20,V27) "6a See Table if requested otherwise skip this line IF(ISNA(Y25),NA,IF(Y25<9999,("See Table"),NA)) "Line 21b Taxable amount from worksheet e Tabl "Line 49 (line 45 less line 48) rkshee IF(J25>J28,J25-J28,0) <9999, 25360 (L29-L28)*M28+O28 49420 p!.38 (P29-P28)*Q28+S28 "6b See Table if requested otherwise skip this line See Table IF(ISNA(Y26),NA,IF(Y26<9999,("See Table"),NA)) "Line 22 Other Income 31080 p!.34 (L30-L29)*M29+O29 64750 p!.42 (P30-P29)*Q29+S29 "Social Security Benefits and Tier 1 Railroad Retirement Benefits Worksheet "6c Smaller of lines 6a or 6b ERROR MIN(IF(ISNA(Y28),0,Y28),IF(ISNA(Y29),0,Y29)) "Line 50 Self Employment Tax 36800 p!.38 (L31-L30)*M30+O30 92370 p!.45 (P31-P30)*Q30+S30 "If your filing status is 3 and you lived with your spouse at any time "Line 23 Total Income SUM(E11:E30) "Line 51 Alternative Minimum Tax ou li 44780 p!.42 (L32-L31)*M31+O31 118050 p!.49 (P32-P31)*Q31+S31 "during the year, enter the number 1 (one) in this spot - -> "Excess FICA and RRTA Tax worksheet "Yours FICA a "Spouse's "Line 52 Recapture Tax ax work P"0 59670 p!.48 (L33-L32)*M32+O32 175250 p!.5 (P33-P32)*Q32+S32 "1 Enter tot amt from Box 5 of all forms SSA-1099 & RRB-1099 "Social Security Tax Withheld IF(A5=B3,IF(H5>I2,I2,H5),0)+IF(A6=B3,IF(H6>I2,I2,H6),0)+IF(A7=B3,IF(H7>I2,I2,H7),0)+IF(A8=B3,IF(H8>I2,I2,H8),0) IF(A6=C3,IF(H6>I2,I2,H6),0)+IF(A7=C3,IF(H7>I2,I2,H7),0)+IF(A8=C3,IF(H8>I2,I2,H8),0)+IF(A9=C3,IF(H9>I2,I2,H9),0) "Line 24 Moving expenses "Line 53 Social Security Tax !P"0 88270 !p!.5 (L34-L33)*M33+O33 "2 Line 1 divided by 2 (if zero, then stop) IF(V33>0,INT(50*V33+.5)/100,0) A7=C3 "Excess Social Security Withheld to be refunded by employer SUM(H5:H9)-Y33-Z33 "Line 25 Business expenses "Line 54 Tax on IRA pe "P"0 "Tax Rate Schedule Z "Tax Rate Schedule Y Filing Status 3 "3 From form 1040 line 22 plus lines 7 thru 20b y emp E30+SUM(E11:E27) "Uncollected Social Security Tax on tip income (Allocate) "Line 26a IRA from worksheet *X1* MAX(Y9+Z9,Y19) "Line 55 Total Tax SUM(J29:J35) "4 Non-taxable interest (also see instructions) lloca "Total Social Security Tax Paid and Owed ction Y33+Y35 Z33+Z35 "Line 26b see instruction SUM(Y3,Z3,Y13) $! "............ (L37-L36)*M36+O36 $p!.11 (P37-P36)*Q36+S36 "5 Subtotal SUM(V34:V36) "Less Maximum Amount ($3,003.00) nd Ow "Line 27 Payment to Keogh "Ln 56 Federal Tax Withheld SUM(G5:G9) (L38-L37)*M37+O37 %p!.12 (P38-P37)*Q37+S37 "6 From form 1040 line 31 less line 30 ction E43-E41 "Excess Social Security Tax for Credit ction IF(Y36>Y37,Y36-Y37,0) )/100, IF(Z36>Z37,Z36-Z37,0) )/100, "Line 28 Penalty on early w'drawl "Ln 57 Est'd & other Taxes Paid (L39-L38)*M38+O38 &p!.14 (P39-P38)*Q38+S38 "7 Difference V37-V38 "Line 29 Alimony paid "Ln 58 Earned Inc Cred *X20* IF(ISERROR(Y30),0,Y30) /100, (L40-L39)*M39+O39 'p!.16 (P40-P39)*Q39+S39 "8 $32,000, $25,000, or $0 IF(E1=2,32000,IF(AND(E1=3,V32<>0),0,25000)) "Line 30 Marriage deduction "Ln 59 Paid with Form 4868 12730 (L41-L40)*M40+O40 (p!.18 (P41-P40)*Q40+S40 "9 Difference IF(V39>V40,V39-V40,0) 1=3,V3 "Ln 60 Excess FICA & RRTA Y38+Z38 16190 (L42-L41)*M41+O41 10900 )p!.22 10100 (P42-P41)*Q41+S41 "10 one half of line 9 INT(50*V41+.5)/100 "Line 31 Total Adjustments SUM(D34:D41) )/100 "Ln 61 Fuels Tax Credit 19640 (L43-L42)*M42+O42 13275 *p!.25 12300 (P43-P42)*Q42+S42 "11 Smaller of lines 2 or 10 MIN(V34,V42) "Ln 62 Invest Co. Credit 25360 (L44-L43)*M43+O43 16135 +p!.28 14950 (P44-P43)*Q43+S43 "Line 32 Adjusted Gross Income E32-E43 "Line 63 Total Payments Income "--------- tal , SUM(I38:I44) 31080 (L45-L44)*M44+O44 18990 ,p!.33 17600 (P45-P44)*Q44+S44 36800 (L46-L45)*M45+O45 24710 -p!.38 22900 (P46-P45)*Q45+S45 "Line 64 Amount Overpaid ncome . IF(J45>J36,J45-J36,0) 1=3,V3 48240 (L47-L46)*M46+O46 32375 .p!.42 30000 (P47-P46)*Q46+S46 "S U M M A R Y "Spouse A R Y "Total A R Y "Line 65 REFUND 65390 (L48-L47)*M47+O47 46185 /p!.45 42800 (P48-P47)*Q47+S47 "Federal Withholding IF(A5=B3,G5,0)+IF(A6=B3,G6,0)+IF(A7=B3,G7,0)+IF(A8=B3,G8,0)+IF(A9=B3,G9,0) IF(A5=C3,G5,0)+IF(A6=C3,G6,0)+IF(A7=C3,G7,0)+IF(A8=C3,G8,0)+IF(A9=C3,G9,0) C49+D49 "Line 66 Apply to 87 Est'd Tax J47-J48 88270 (L49-L48)*M48+O48 59025 0p!.49 54700 (P49-P48)*Q48+S48 "State Withholding IF(A5=B3,I5,0)+IF(A6=B3,I6,0)+IF(A7=B3,I7,0)+IF(A8=B3,I8,0)+IF(A9=B3,I9,0) IF(A5=C3,I5,0)+IF(A6=C3,I6,0)+IF(A7=C3,I7,0)+IF(A8=C3,I8,0)+IF(A9=C3,I9,0) C50+D50 "Line 67 Amount Due IF(J36>J45,J36-J45,0) 3,I6,0 116870 (L50-L49)*M49+O49 87625 1p!.5 81200 E3wgP (P50-P49)*Q49+S49 "City Withholding IF(A5=B3,J5,0)+IF(A6=B3,J6,0)+IF(A7=B3,J7,0)+IF(A8=B3,J8,0)+IF(A9=B3,J9,0) IF(A5=C3,J5,0)+IF(A6=C3,J6,0)+IF(A7=C3,J7,0)+IF(A8=C3,J8,0)+IF(A9=C3,J9,0) C51+D51 "Line 68 Amount Due "=========== "FICA IF(A5=B3,H5,0)+IF(A6=B3,H6,0)+IF(A7=B3,H7,0)+IF(A8=B3,H8,0)+IF(A9=B3,H9,0) IF(A5=C3,H5,0)+IF(A6=C3,H6,0)+IF(A7=C3,H7,0)+IF(A8=C3,H8,0)+IF(A9=C3,H9,0) C52+D52 "Wages IF(A5=B3,E5,0)+IF(A6=B3,E6,0)+IF(A7=B3,E7,0)+IF(A8=B3,E8,0)+IF(A9=B3,E9,0) IF(A5=C3,E5,0)+IF(A6=C3,E6,0)+IF(A7=C3,E7,0)+IF(A8=C3,E8,0)+IF(A9=C3,E9,0) C53+D53