SuperCalc ver. 1.00 Schedule E - 1986 "Schedule E - 1986 "Line ule E - "Item ule E - " A le E - " B le E - " C le E - " Totals E - "Line 3a E - "Rents E - "Line 3b E - "Royalties SUM(C6:E6,C7:E7) "Line 4 "Advertising "Line 5 "Auto and Travel "Line 6 d Trav "Cleaning and Maintenance "Line 7 g and "Commissions "Line 8 "Insurance "Line 9 "Legal and Professional Fees "Line 10 d Pro "Mortgage Interest (see instr) ",0)+ "Line 11 Inte "Other Interest st (se "Line 12 teres "Repairs teres "Line 13 teres "Supplies "Line 14 "Taxes "Line 15 "Utilities "Line 16 "Wages and salaries "Line 17 d sal "Other d sal "Line 17a "Mortgage Application Fee "Line 17b "Line 17c "Line 17d "Line 17e "Line 17f "Line 17g "Line 17h "Line 17i "Line 18 "Total Expenses ation SUM(C9:C31) SUM(D9:D31) SUM(E9:E31) SUM(C32:E32) "Line 19 "Depreciation SUM(C33:E33) "Line 20 "Totals C32+C33 D32+D33 E32+E33 "Line 21 "Income (Loss) C6+C7-C34 D6+D7-D34 E6+E7-E34 "Line 22 "Properties with profit IF(C35>0,C35,0)+IF(D35>0,D35,0)+IF(E35>0,E35,0) "Line 23 "Properties with loss IF(C35<0,C35,0)+IF(D35<0,D35,0)+IF(E35<0,E35,0) "Line 24 "Combine amounts on lines 22 and 23 F36+F37 "Line 25 "Net Farm Rental profit (loss) from Form 4835 line 35 "Line 26 Rent "Total rental or royalty income (loss) m 4835 F38+F40 "PART II - Income (Loss) from Partnerships "Name "Loss "Income - Inc "Line 27 - Inc "Add amounts in columns e and f rtners SUM(E45:E53) 0)+IF(D SUM(F45:F53) 0)+IF(D "Line 28 "Combine amounts in columns e and f line 27 E54+F54 "Line 29 "Deduction for section 179 property (see instructions) 1+INT(( "Line 30 n for "Total partnership income (losses) F55+F56 "- Estates and Trusts "Name "Loss "Income es and "Line 31 s and "Add amounts in columns e and f SUM(E63:E67) 0)+IF(D SUM(F63:F67) 0)+IF(D "Line 32 "Total estate and trust income (loss) E68+F68 "PART III _ Windfall Profit Tax Summary instr "Line 33 _ Wi "Windfall profit tax credit or refund received in 1985 1+INT(( "Line 34 prof "Windfall profit tax withheld in 1985 "Line 35 prof "Combine amounts on lines 33 and 34 F73+F74 "PART IV - Summary "Line 36 - Sum "Total income or (loss) To Form 1040 Line 18 - - - - - >-> F41+F58+F69+F75 "Farmers and Fishermen: To For "Line 37 and F "GROSS FARMING AND FISHING INCOME (see instructions)