SuperCalc ver. 1.00 W4 Worksheet "W4 Worksheet "Filing Status to 19 "Dependents Claimed "Estimated Combined Wages "Enter number of yearly pay prds "Enter "1" for yourself pay pr 12500 "Special Allowance (See Instructions) 37500 "Enter "1" for spouse unless another's dependent ,(1-( 55000 "Enter number of dependents 110000 "Add lines A thru D SUM(I7:I10) "COMPLETE LINES F THRU P IF YOU EXPECT TO HAVE: ,(1-( 21000 "Itemized Deductions, Tax Credits, Adjustments to Income, 31500 "or Age or Blindness Deductions s, Adj 70000 "Enter your estimated adjustments to income "Enter estimated itemized deductions 29000 "From filing status above Enter F1 IF(OR(F1=2,F1=5),3760,IF(OR(F1=1,F1=4),2540,IF(F1=3,1880,("Enter F1")))) 44000 "Subtract Line H from line G ERROR IF(E18>E19,E18-E19,0) IF(OR( 100000 "Special exemptions?? (See instructions) "Enter estimated tax credits IF(E22=0,0,IF(OR(F1=2,F1=5),LOOKUP(I3,K6:K10),IF(OR(F1=1,F1=3),LOOKUP(I3,K11:K15),IF(F1=4,LOOKUP(I3,K16:K20),11)))) 29861 "Multiply line K by line L E22*E23 46861 "Add lines F, I, J, and M ERROR G17+G20+G21+G24 91861 "Divide line N by 1,900 and round to nearest whole number ERROR ROUND(G25/1900,0) "Add lines E and O ERROR I11+I26 17441 "COMPLETE LINES Q THRU T IF YOU A TOTAL OF $950 OR MORE FROM 27641 "A Working Spouse, More Than One Job, or Nonwage Income 54641 "Nonwage Income?? Enter estimated amount "More than one job or working spouse? See Inst. Incom "Add lines Q and R G32+G33 "Divide line S by 1,900 and round to nearest whole number ROUND(G34/1900,0) "Subtract line T from line P ERROR IF(I27>I35,I27-I35,0) F1=5), "If line T is larger than line P, additional withholdings may be required ERROR (I35-I27)*IF(OR(F1=2,F1=3),LOOKUP(I3,K21:K25),LOOKUP(I3,K26:K30))