by Editor, Ann Arbor KUG, May 1987

(Some interesting notes on SUBMIT)

SUBMIT, the CP/M batch processor, can do some things that Digital
Research never told you about.

Just about everyone knows that SUBMIT will treat lines in the SUB
file that begin with a semicolon (or one of a handful of other
characters) as comments; but did you know that there is a better
way to comment your more obscure SUB files?

Normally, blank lines in a SUB file are a no-no.  SUBMIT will
choke when it comes across a blank line, even if it occurs at the
end of the file.  Well, it turns out that you can make use of
this little "bug"!

Actually, you can place whatever text that you wish at the
beginning of you SUB file.  (There is an absolute limit on the
amount, but you are not likely to reach it unless you get very
wordy.  SUBMIT will let you know and not do anything drastic.). 
No semicolons or other nonsense is necessary.  This is a good
place to put a description of exactly what the SUB file does --
in plain English.  The trick is to place a blank line right
before the actual commands, and everything will work beautifully!

This trick will NOT work with EX, GSUB, SuperSUB or other batch
processors.  If you have used some of these other programs, you
are probably wondering why anyone would want to use SUBMIT in the
first place.  Well, SUBMIT is useful for loading memory resident
programs (like LBRDISK and some of the keyboard enhancers) that
locate themselves just below the CCP.  You just can't do this
with EX and GSUB because they occupy the same space.

For the technically curious:  All SUBMIT really does is create
the file "$$$.SUB" on drive A.  When SUBMIT creates this file, it
loads the commands in your file from the bottom up.  Thus, when
it reaches the blank line that separates your opening text from
the commands, it stops (chokes).  An error does not occur,
however, and SUBMIT expires quietly with a warm boot.  At this
point the CCP begins execution of the "$$$.SUB" file, working
from the bottom (where your first command is) upward.  In this
way, the temporary "$$$.SUB" is eroded until it is erased from
the directory after the last command.

If you wish to look at the "$$$.SUB" file you will have to be
clever.  Since the file is created on drive A:, and the CCP will
always execute it if possible after a warm or cold boot, this
file can be elusive.  If you press reset during the execution of
the file, the darned thing will just start up where it left off
when CP/M comes back.  Also, if you do manage to capture the file
(by copying it during the execution or some other trick) you will
find that it seems to contain only one command -- the last one,
and perhaps the remnants of some previous command.  Look at the
file with CCT or some other program that will give you a hex and
ASCII dump of the whole file.  You may find it interesting.