********************************************* * * * Welcome to: * * * * ---<<<>>>--- * * Sysop: Ed Grey * * * * P.O. Box #2186 * * Inglewood, CA 90305 * * (213) 971-6260 * 759-7406 (voice) * * * * PC-Pursuit - CALAN * * * * 300/1200/2400 bps @ 8/1/none, 24 hrs. * * Online since January 24, 1988 * * * ********************************************* Running: TeleVideo TS803h; CP/M 2.2; BYE510; PBBS version 4.0; KMD22; EMEX 2400EC modem with MNP (level 4) Support: TeleVideo (8 bit); Timex/SINCLAIR (all); SPECTERM-64; CP/M 2.2/3.0; RLE Graphics; Ed Grey Enterprises All serious computer users, with ANY computer type are welcome. Log on with real names only, HANDLES ARE NOT WELCOME! Please don't upload any MS-DOS files here. With only 10 MEG online, I WILL BE very selective with uploads, YOU do the same. Feel free to download whatever is here, that's why it's here. If you are a new user, I suggest that you read "The 10 ommandments" file on the ews menu. This BBS has taken its shape from the needs of the users. As Sysop, I offer direction, but I also encourage suggestions and comments from all of you. Even though there is uploading and downloading of files available here, I would like for dialog, helping one another and a general sharing of information to be available on The Grey Matter BBS & RCP/M. This is an open system, except downloads and public messages are restricted on your first call. Special access is required for the TeleVideo file area and Timex/SINCLAIR message folder and file area. If you desire access to these areas (or just want to be on the mailing list), leave a private message or comment with your name, address, phone and computer type(s). This is not a requirement for regular access. Purchases made from Ed Grey Enterprises, help defray the cost of operating The Grey Matter BBS & RCP/M. Though the BBS is FREE, to keep it 'free' cost money. All I ask is that you consider us when making computer purchases. There is a G Ent. catalog and

rice list online (use the ews option from the main menu). Don't hesitate to ask about a product that is not listed. I'll do my best to offer it to you at a competitive price. If I can't, I'll tell you that also. You've got nothing to loose and a free BBS to gain. Finally, all activities on this BBS MUST BE STRICTLY LEGAL!!!!! I want The Grey Matter BBS & RCP/M to remain an open system, don't abuse the privilege. Ed Grey, Sysop of The Grey Matter BBS & RCP/M (213) 971-6260 or 759-7406 (voice) >>>>PLEASE REPORT ANY BUGS OR PROBLEMS<<<< PBBS 11/01/87 v4.0 by: Russ Pencin Ed Grey, Sysop Tom, the PBBS commands are: B,N,W,M,S,U,L,Y,F,J,G,X,T or ? ? Type S to pause, Q to abort -----------------------====={ }=====------------------------ PBBS MENU Grey Matter BBS & RCP/M [B] Read Bulletin [?] Display menu once [F] Private feedback to Sysop [S] Statistics [J] Jump to CP/M [U] User List [L] List log-ins (last 20) [W] What's new in uploads * [M] MAIL MENU [X] Xpert Mode toggle [N] News files [Y] Yak with Sysop [G] Goodbye (log-out) [T] Toggle [more] prompt * This invokes the MAIL sub-section for messages! -----------------------====={ }=====------------------------ KMD.LOG and UPLOAD DESCRIPTIONS ---<<< Grey Matter BBS & RCP/M >>>--- THE FOLLOWING FILES ARE ACTIVE [X] Log of recent uploads (KMD.LOG). [W] Descriptions of uploads. [M] Main Menu ---- SPECCY.ZIP - Timex/SINC Spectrum Emulator for MS-DOS (no docs) ---- TS>TXT.SCX - Timex/SINC This is a compiled version of TS>TXT.SPX that you have to load it at 62000 before useing it. Once you loaded this program, Load the BASI program into memory, To protect the text area, Do CLEAR 44119 and when you call 62000, the M/C will translate the program into ASCI then at the end of translattion, You'll see the info you need to save the ASCII file. This file is headerless so load as discribe above. ---- SPT8E.SPX - Timex/SINC This is the same for SPT4E.SPX but for full sized printer. ---- SPT4E.SPX - Timex/SINC This is a greatly improved version of Specterm64' LCM for 2040 pprinter because in the older version you have to give the size of buffer size before entering terminal program so I wrote two tiny Z-80 assembly language programs as noted in line The two codes do: Clear buffer before loading Measures the buffer size and adjust for Xmodem transfer It's all automatic! At 34047 must have value of 255 poked in. ---- TS>TXT.SPX - Timex/SINC This program allows the Timex users to convert the Timex Sinclair BASIC format into 100% pure ASCII file so the other users who has different machine can read it and translate it if needed to run on thier machine. Included in this group is a compiled version of it for who don't have TSMACHINE compiler. ---- FINREP25.LBR - CP/M I have just used "FINREP.COM" (FINREP = FIND & REPLACE) to convert a hex DATABASE file to a columnated ASCII file, making it suitable for insertion in dBASE II. I couldn't use VDE.COM because the file was larger than VDE's limit of 58,460 bytes (slightly larger if you disable the help menus). I got FINREP25.LBR from Gary Inman's board. FINREP25.COM is unchanged, however I revised the doc file so that it reflects V 2.5 performance. [more] ---- MANAGER.ASC - Text ED sent these with a p in command but noticed they didnt go to the pr ivate area. hope they work now. john ---- INDEX.ASC - Text it's your stuff ED ---- FDD0392.ARK - Timex/SINC February & March 1992 FDD NewsLetter in WordStar .DOC format ---- MANDEL42.LBR - CP/M MANDEL42 generates Mandelbrot set plot files. (Z)PLOT then prints them on an Epson MX80 printer with dot graphics. (Can be modified for other printers.) This revision incorporates the Distance Estimate Method and can generate two "color" plots. Also included is a conversion utility to make just black & white plots, or print either of the shaded regions as black. Larry Schnitger Jan. 4, 1992. [more] ---- 9600-16.ARC - Text Information on 9600 baud modems. ---- RLEMVR.SPX - Timex/SINC This program allows you to re-postion the RLE file so the QRL program willl properly decode the ffile because it always looks at th first three bytes of buffer. To remove nulls in the file, use T/F.spx (textfixer.bas) to take care of the nulls. ---- T/F.SPX - Timex/SINC This program is called Textfixer.spx and it allows you to get rid o codes that could confuses many word processors like Mscript. You can compile the upper part for faster processing of a text file expecally long ones. ---- 806 - TeleVideo For sale data on my CP/M equip and software. ---- YETMORE.LBR - RLE YET MORE RLE files! 56 new pictures in this 180k library! ---- SOCAL074.LZT - Text List of SOuthern CALifornia BBSes #74, as of December 1991 (you have a pretty old version on here!) ---- CRUNCH28.LBR - CP/M This is a newer version of the CRUNCH file compressor, to replace the CRUNCH24.LBR found here. I downloaded this from Ladera Z-Node. ---- LIFE.LBR - Timex/SINC LIFE for the TS2068 and ZX Spectrum. LARKEN system, no docs. This is a terrific program, if I do say so myself. .B1, .C1 = 2068 version, .BS, .CS = Spectrum. .CL files are data. Save/Load commands are in BASIC (they're ALL that's in BASIC), and easily changed. Version 3.0, infinitely improved over versions 1 and 2. ---- PSGB3.SPX - Timex/SINC This is a modified version of Stephen Wenzler's PSG.SPX which runs much faster. Program name is "psg.B3" (Larken style). Finally use your 2068's Programmable Sound Generator!! ---- IBMCF.SPX - Timex/SINC IBM CGA character font for use on your 2068 ---- MRROCEVO.TXT - Text MRROCEVO.TXT Ascii text file 9k. History file on rocketry. Dates from late 30s to present. Describes motors design and propellants used in early days. Compares somewhat with High Power Rocketry of today. ---- MRNEWS1.TXT - Text MRNEW1.TXT Ascii text file 19k. Newsletter tpye information on High Altitude attempts held at Tripioli launches throughout the U.S. Describes rockets and type of rocket motors used. List highest 10 attempts during the year. ---- MRROCALT.TXT - Text MRROCALT.TXT Ascii text file,5k. Describes new altimiter for advance high power rocketry. Complete information and review. ---- MRLIST.TXT - Text MRLIST.TXT Ascii text file 20K Manufacture and supplier list for model rocketry and Advanced High Power Rocketry. ---- CRR0140.ZIP - CP/M Off Line reader for "XRS" mailbags ( now with QWK converter ) ---- BBS.SPX - Timex/SINC his is a BBS program to make 2068 serve as BBS. ---- 4THIMP.SPX - Timex/SINC This is an improved version of HAPPY4TH.SPX because the orginal one left out few important part of sequences found in real fireworks show. It can be compiled with TIMEMACHINE compiler. ---- CHEMSDY.ZIP - Other MS-DOS program to display the modecular structure of compounds from Ben Grey Silicon Forest Net/Node 056/004 ORPOR/24, [503] 297-0741 ---- POSTER.SPX - Timex/SINC his POSTER.SPX is a poster printing program that allows you to print out screen$ in poster size printout, it do print halves of the screen$ and you have to put together to get poster sized pr printout. ---- GRAPHICS.SPX - Timex/SINC Graphics - A full color graphics drawing program that has no flickers during the normal calucuation/updates the screen. It employs two machine codes one for transfer and other for video change. ---- COPY64.SPX - Timex/SINC This program is called copy64 because it ian utility program for BA-64 software (64 columns BASIC program) that allows non EPSON printer users to dump graphicsdirectly from the 64 columns text file. It is very easy to configures to match the printer's graphicss codes. have BA-64 software that only supports EPSON printers. I think they will able to use it easily. You need to make ---- PSG.SPX - Timex/SINC PSG - Programmable Sound Generator A fully blown sound sythersizer that allows you to create unlimited sounds like a falling bomb. It has built in help menu as you needs to. ---- PSG.TSX - Timex/SINC This program is called 'Programmable Sound Generator' that lets you creates unlimited sounds using TS2068's PSG chip in full blown sound sythersizer. It has built in help menu if you needs it. You can compile it using TSTIME compiler for faster operations. Happy noise making! ---- TEST.TSX - Text THIS iIS ONLY A TEST TO VERIFY THAT THE SPECTERM64 WORKS CORRECY YOU CAN KILL IT. IT HAS SUCCESSFULLY UPLOADED WITHOUT NO PROBLEMS. ---- D10CTL11.ZIP - Other MSDOS MIDI Control Program Ben Grey Silicon Forest ORPOR/24, [503] 297-071 ---- PLAY.ZIP - Other MDSOD MIDI Play program Ben Grey Silicon Forest ORPOR/24, [503] 297-0741 ---- YAMAHA89.ZIP - Other MSDOS MIDI information for Yamaha equipment. Ben Grey Silicon Forest ORPOR/24, [503] 297-0741 ---- IMPATCH.LBR - CP/M This is a menu driven patcher for IMP245 which allows you to change default values without having to use DDT or a new overlay. ---- TTY-INF.LBR - Other Library for Ben Grey containing info re Baudot code/Teletypes, etc. ---- MXO-TV11.AZM - TeleVideo MEX overlay for TeleVideo TS-802 ---- HD-REF32.ZIP - Other File describes technical aspects of various Hard Disk Drives. ---- HD0510R1.ZIP - Other Files describes technical aspects of various Hard Disk Drives. ---- LOGMAKE3.LBR - CP/M Log Maker is a 'chat script' production utility to be used with the telecommunications program QTERM and any modem using the 'AT' command set. Features: Auto Step Down baud rate adjust (like IMP), 'Super Fast' re-dial of busy numbers for quick access to busy systems, extended scripts for 'Auto Login' to the dialed system and 'Auto Abort' of numbers that don't answer or are answered by voice. ---- MEMO2.LBR - CP/M Word processors are great for writing and formatting text, but what if you just want to jot down a quick bit of information? Word processors take several seconds to load, you are required to name (then remember) a filename. Not to mention the other associated settings you must deal with. MEMO offers: Quick/easy operation, word wrap, line editing and command line activation. -JLC ---- TVI970-1.LBR - TeleVideo Z3 tcap4d for televideo 970. An "F" key programming program. a clear program to return to default settings when things get barfed. This TCAP uses the hash block for the solid block and the "*" for the hash block. Tests OK for ZDE16,SCAN24,QTERM,type and BOX. TCAP cannot fit both "RC" and "CDO". "RC" is required to run BOX sucessfully. ---- MADONNA.LBR - RLE This is a set of 8 partial .RLE files which, when printed-out with "RLEPRT17.COM", will print a picture of Madonna. It is the same as "MADONNA.LZH", but in library form with contents crunched (except for the added "UNCRUNCH.COM"). When printing with RLEPRT17, add tail of "1". (See "README.COM" in "RLEPRT17.LBR"). Read also description of "MADONNA.LZH" for more information. Thanks to William McBrine for the picture. ---Carl Forst ---- MADONNA.LZH - RLE Picture of *>Madonna<* in the form of 8 RLEs and a .DIM file (in LZH archive), intended for use with RLEPRT17.LBR. (Or use with TS2068 to make your own poster!) Made from MADONNA.MAC, a scanned Macintosh picture which is also the source for MADONNA.RLE. Resembles a still from the "Lucky Star" video. Converted using IBM Klone and TS2068. ---- 4TH.TSX - Timex/SINC This is the "MTERM" version of the 4th-of-July program uploaded by Bob Schimke. His version (Just called "4th") is for download with "SPECTERM" and should have been called "4TH.SPX". ---- 4TH - Timex/SINC A small Indpendence Day salute to the troops of Desert Storm ---- CPM22APP.LBR - CP/M CP/M 2.2 application notes from Digital Research. ---- CPM22PAT.LBR - CP/M CP/M 2.2 Patch lists from Digital Research. ---- RLE'SUB.LBR - Other This library file has the files to run RLE picture files on an AMSTRAD PCW8256 from a "submit" file. ---- RLEPRT17.LBR - RLE This is Lee Bradley's modified version of RLEPRT11. The file titled RLE.ART has the best information in it. It is an interesting program for running MULTIPLE RLE pictures. ---- SOCAL069.ARC - Text Latest edition of SOCAL.LiST for you! ---- BASCMNOT.LBR - CP/M From ROYALOAK. More information on BASCOM compiler. Seems to help out the manual's information. ---- M80-L80.LBR - CP/M From ROYALOAK. More information on L-80 and M-80. ---- LINK80.DZC - CP/M From ROYALOAK.Information on using LINK80 with BASCOM compiler. ---- BASCOM53.DQC - CP/M I got this from ROYALOAK. It is information on BASCOM compiler. ---- BYENW803.INS - TeleVideo A BYE5xx.ASM time insert for a TS-803 running as a satellite user- station of a TeleVideo TS-806 using NETWORK O/S. (This prob won't run on a TS-816.) ---- EASYCASH.DOC - Text AN EASY WAY TO MAKE MONEY WITH COMPUTER ---- SOCAL068.LZT - Text Latest edition of SOCAL.LiST for you! Mike's SOCAL Corner PBBS 213-422-7942 (24/12/3) ---- CLRTVI10.LBR - TeleVideo This has z80 source and executable to clear the screen and status line on the TeleVideo TS-802 and clear the screen on the TS-803 and TPC-1 computers. It also will set the cursor to your choice (choice made at compile time). All other versions of this pgm (CLEARTVI.LBR, etc.) should be destroyed and this one substituted. ---- NETNZIN0.LBR - TeleVideo This shows how (and provides the files) to run NZCOM on a TeleVideo TS-806/816. It also discusses (and gives a temp fix for) the problem of NZCOM intercepting all calls to warmboot and thus preventing NET- WORK O/S from clearing the lock table (files open). This is a temp- orary fix as what needs doing is patching NZCOM.COM to put this call in each copy of NZCOM.CCP it writes, but as far as it goes, it works really well. ---- RLEPRT11.LBR - RLE This program prints Run Length Encoded (RLE) files on Epson MX80 compatible printers. Written in MBASIC and compiled with BASCOM. Handles only high-density RLE files. Inspired by Gene Pizzetta's PRTRLE20. Runs under CP/M 2.2. An unresolved bug causes a thin left border to be printed. YPlease send comments, fixes to Lee Bradley, Z-Node #12, 203- 665-1100. 2/20/91 ---- SOCAL067.LZT - Other -=============================================================- IT'S HERE NOW!!: The latest edition of SOCAL.LiST, version 067, is now here online for you to download and enjoy! Mike's SOCAL Corner PBBS (213) 422-7942 (3/12/24) -===============================================- ---- SI2.LBR - RLE PCW show-it program w/ command line changes--for Harley ---- PI-0191.LBR - CP/M This is a PCPIMP.DAT file for use with PCPIMP.COM (the CP/M, PC-Pursuit auto dialer program). Change the name to PCPIMP.DAT. The BBS numbers have been extracted directly from Ian Cottrell's RCPM0191.LST. No verification has been done, so PLEASE USE APPROPRIATE CAUTION. All of the cities supported by PC-Pursuit (as of 02/02/91) have been included. Enjoy! ---- TWOSORTS.LBR - CP/M As per the title, a library containing 2 different sorting programs together with a documentation file. Uploaded at request of Harley Ristad. ---- PBSUTIL.LBR - CP/M Convert PBBS 4.0 to 4.5 to 5.0 using enclosed utility. Includes configuration files for 5.0 for perusal, too. Mike's SOCAL Corner PBBS213-422-792 (24/12/3 ---- SOCAL066.LZT - Text IT'S HERE NOW!!: The latest edition of SOCAL.LiST, version 066, is no here online for you to download and enjoy! And...HAPPY NEW YEAR, too Mike's SOCAL Corner PBBS (213) 422-7942 (3/12/24) ---- RLE-PIC1.LBR - RLE This Library contains a program to display ".RLE" pictures on KayPro computers, as well as a couple of programs to print-out ".RLE" pic- tures on Epson-compatible printers, and a few (5?) examples. of RLE pictures. It also contains a "-Read.ME" file which is no longer cor- rect, since it lists many more pictures than contained herein, but the library will prove useful for KayPro owners and may contain a few RLE pix you might not have seen sofar. -Carl Forst (12-30-90) [more] ---- DRAGON.LBR - CP/M Contains DOC file & PZC (Crunched PIC) file of "Typewriter Art" representation of a Dragon for printing-out. Size of picture re- quires a wide (132 col.) printer if normal-sized type is used. However can be printed-out on a standard 8" (80 col.) printer if condensed type is used. Uploaded at request of Harley Ristad. ---- STARTREK.PZC - CP/M "Typewriter Art" representation of the "Starship Enterprise" from the TV series "Star Trek". This is a crunched version of a PIC file and must be uncrunched (112k) before using. Picture was designed for a 132 col. printer, but may be printed on an 80 col. printer if conden- sed type is used. Actually, this picture is extremely well done in my opinion, resulting in a very nice picture. Uploaded at request of Harley Ristad. -Carl Forst ---- XVBBS401.ARC - CP/M This is a custom BBS written to runn on a kaypro 10, but it will run on other cpm or msdos machines with at least 4 mesga of space on driv e B:. To modify use WS or VDE on login.bas and BBS.bas to change line s 15000-15800 to reflect your modem type and machine type. Compile with bascom and l80. Very fast, supports 1000 messages online., 20 message bases and up to 9999 games! (I know, but it can concievably d that many!) for help call Sig-Net (907) 338 0960 ---- SOCAL065.LST - Text Latest edition of SOCAL.LiST for you. Mike's SOCAL Corner PBBS 213-422-7942 (24/12/3) ---- PROLANGS.TZT - CP/M This is a crunched text file describing a number of wished-for (?) "Programming Languages". (This also includes previously-uploaded "BABBAGE.TXT" which has been deleted since included herein.) File includes 3 sections. Don't get carried away using these new languages!!! (Mmmph!) ---- MARILYN2.RLE - RLE Excellent RLE picture of Marilyn Monroe - I made this out of a MAC file (edited on a 2068); not very good as a .MAC, but it turned out as one of the best RLE's I've ever seen! ---- SHOW-IT.LBR - CP/M This file is about showing RLE files on an AMSTRAD PCW8256 with a ".COM" file instead of a BASIC file. (For faster display). It included a ".MAC" file. ---- BABBAGE.TXT - Other Information re a new programming language. (Mmmph!) ---- WHLCHK11.LBR - Other This file will protect your com files on a remote system..It wil not allow the file to execute unless the Wheel byte is on..run on a cp/m zcpr2 or zcpr3 system ---- WHEEL.AZM - Other THIS file will set the wheel byte address in zcpr2 or zcpr3, you must supply the wheel address set by your zcpr system. This file allows passwords. ---- ZCPR23.LBR - Other THE OFFICAL release of zcpr2 doc are not included but if you have or can find zcpr1, zcpr2 is incorporated in to your system the same way. ---- PSET.LBR - Other PSET is a printer setting utility for Amstrad PCW printer--menu is screen specific ---- MIXC-ASM.LBR - CP/M This is the MIX C Assembler interface disk. Use NULU & UNCR. ---- PBS5FIX.TXT - Other Fix for minor display bug in new PBBS 5.0 (tch, tch, already...) Notes about assembling PBBS with M80 Mike's SOCAL Corner PBBS 213-422-7942 (24/12/3) ---- SOCAL064.LZT - Text Latest edition of SOCAL.LiST for you! Mike's SOCAL Corner PBBS (213) 422-7942 ---- SOCAL064.LST - CP/M Latest edition of SOCAL.LiST from Mike's SOCAL Corner PBBS ---- RCPM1090.BZF - CP/M National RCP/M BBS list for October '90 (brief version). ---- RCPM1090.LZT - CP/M National RCP/M BBS list for October '90 (w/ complete BBS info). ---- ZDE16.LBR - Print/WP Z System Display Editor, version 1.6. A small, fast, powerful WordStar-type text editor for all CP/M and compatible systems with the Z80 processor. In some ways superior to its big brother VDE, this version of ZDE adds fully functional Auto-Indent capabilities, Proportional Formatting, Auto-Recall of last response to prompts, Global Find/Replace, Return to Previous Position (^QP) and more to what many felt was already the best editor available for CP/M. ---- LOAN.BAS - CP/M PROG. TO CALC. LOAN PAYMENTS.USE MBASIC ---- BOLTCRL.SPX - Timex/SINC BOLTCRL.SPX locates the pattern for laying out a bolt circle. Fur use in the machine shop for jig boring. Any number of holes may be used. Also the program allowa for x-y- offsets. Angle of the 1St hole can be located. Prints out to the 2040 thermal printer. May be altered for Large printer. 3612 bytes in lenght. Uploaded with Maxcom wuth header. Robert Schimke... ---- WELCH.PIC - Other adult graphics pic. ---- VAMPIRE.PIC - RLE adult picture.woman vamp.. ---- VAMPIRE.GIF - RLE graphics (gif) picture for epson cp/m ---- SOCAL063.LZT - Text Here's the latest editin of SOCALLiST for yu...enjoy t! Mike's XEROX Corner PBBS 213)422-792 [3/12/24] ---- TSPASCAL.ZIP - Timex/SINC This is a "zipped" collection containing both the Timex/Sinclair and Spectrum versions of HiSoft Pascal ver. 4 (released to the public domain in December 88). There are also some source code files for addressing the Larken Disk System and some documentation. (Ed: You many have to unzip these files so others can download them. I am trying this as an experiment. Let me know how the files arrived Thank you. -- David Solly ---- SINCLAIR.EKO - Timex/SINC List the 10 nodes currently known"FIDO NET" in the U.S.A. Any additions or corrections will be appreciated. Messages may be left for me here on "The Grey Matter" BBS or on the "Sinclair Echo" through any of the Fido Net BBS's listed. -Carl Forst ---- XIZI-2.LBR - CP/M Two translator programs for translating 8080 source code nmemonics to Z80 source code, and Z80 to 8080 source code, with logical constructs to maintain program logic and functionality. ---- XZI.OBJ - CP/M This is XZI.COM uploaded for Harley Ristad. XZI translates Zilog- style mnemonics for Z80 into Intel-style mnemonics for the 8080. ---- MRSTAB-2.SPX - Timex/SINC Center of pressure calculations for rocketry. Finds CP and determines of rocket is stable and safe for flight. For the 2068,user friendly Many help screens and graphics. Uploaded with Maxcox and is 30929 bytes in lenght. Program starts at line 4210 and will auto run after use. TIR-33 helpful Barrowman method. Robert Schimke. ---- HARLEYBY.LBR - Other bye 510 notes to harley and john ---- DU8.LBR - Timex/SINC -NOT Timex/Sinc = is CP/M = Noise on line placed in wrong category. File is DU8.LBR, well-known P/M Disk Utility program. ---- SELF.RLE - RLE RLE "Self-potrait" of a TS2068. Done with BASIC, Tech Draw and DRAW 512. ---- KATE.RLE - RLE RLE picture of the popular British "alternative" singer Kate Bush. Hand-"digitized" by me on a 2068, from an album cover. ---- MADONNA.RLE - RLE RLE picture of * Madonna * - this picture was originally scanned into a Macintosh (the Mac file is widely available on BBSes), downloaded to a PC Clone, moved to a 2068 to convert it to RLE and then back to the Clone to upload it here. ---- COGITATE.LBR - CP/M televideo 816/40 file back up programs. ---- FTP.MAN - Other Unix manual page for ftp. ---- I2803-5.ASM - TeleVideo overlay for the Televideo 803 and IMP communication program. This overlay supports a Hayes compatible 300/1200/2400 external modem plugged into the modem (RS-232) port. Ric Moore ---- LOTTO653.TSX - Timex/SINC This is Don Box's excellent "California Lotto 6/49" for the TS-2068, modified to "California Lotto 6/53" to reflect the changes in the Cal;ifornia Lotto (effective June 21, 1990), wherein there are 53 instead of 49 numbers to choose from. ... Carl Forst (June,'90) ---- SNUGINFO.TZT - Timex/SINC A collection of text files which were downloaded from the SNUG BBS. It contains SNUG newsletters and information on how to use the BBS. See message in Timex message base for phone number. ---- VALGIF13.LBR - RLE VALGIF13 is a program that will conver between GIF, RLE and VALPAINT graphics files on the Epson QX-10. You can modify sizesRequires Valdocs 2.0 . ---- LIT.LBR - CP/M Use the simple program contain herein, in conjunction with "PIP.COM", to turn a text (or DOC) file into a COM file which can be displayed simply by typing its name. .....Carl Forst ---- XBBSV23.ARK - CP/M A small message base system that runs on MBASIC, contains full documentation on use. >XBBS v2.3 Message System< ---- SOCAL061.LZT - Text Lastest release of SOCAL.LiST--out with the old, etc. Mike's XEROX Corner PBBS 213-422-7942 ---- BARSOOM2.LBR - CP/M Excellent text adventure on Mars... plays on all CP/M machines.. Ric ---- ACCESS.BUF - Text Brief note from Oregon sysop Terry Pinto re: his BBS. Mike's XEROX Corner PBBS 21-422-7942 24/12/3) ---- MEXPLUS.CPM - Other Local ---- 2BYTE.SPX - Timex/SINC PROGRAM CONVERTS DECIMAL TO TWO BYTE FORM (HIGH BYTE) (LOW BITE CONVERTS HEX TO DECIMAL AND DECIMAL TO HEX. BINARY TO DECIMAL FOR THE TIMEX 2O68. ---- EXL.LBR - CP/M Types and extracts to disk squeezed (*.?Q?), crunched (*.?Z?) and lzh (*.?Y?) files both individual and in libraries. ---- RCPM0590.BZF - CP/M A concise list (one line/system) of all known North American RCP/Ms. This list is derived from the main RCPM0590.LST and contains all the systems listed there. This list is sorted by phone numbers within each province/state rather than by system name. Users seeking more than just phone number, speed/size, location and sysop name should consult the main list. ---- RCPM0590.LZT - CP/M May 1990 version of the North American Remote CP/M list. This list is a compilation of all known remote CP/M systems in North America and several overseas ones as well. All sysops are asked to make this list available on their systems and to help keep it accurate by reporting any updates or inaccuracies to any of the systems listed in the Introduction. ---- POWER.OBJ - CP/M USE FOR CP/M 2.2. A useful disk utility/programing program. ---- RLEPAK.LBR - RLE One way to determine if a CP/M system will display -.RLE files on- screen is to run DERLE.COM. ---- FX80ILLU.BAS - Print/WP A program written in MBASIC for use on an Epson FX-80 printer, might be able to use on other printers. After loading, try changing some of the variables, some combinations are very interesting. Have fun. -Scott Fay ---- SOCAL060.LZT - Other Latest release of SOCAL.LiST--out wid de old, in wid de new... Mike's Corner PBBS 213-422-7942 (24/12/3) ---- RCPM0490.ARC - CP/M This is the RCPM List (APRIL, 1990) by Ian Cottrell. Downloaded from Royal oak's RCPM, uncrunched with UNCR24 and ARCed with ARK11. Enjoy. -C^C- ---- DECCO.TSX - Timex/SINC Use for selecting card suit & value picks when playing the "DECCO" game in the California Lottery. Written in Sinclair Basic for use on the Timex/Sinclair-2068 or Sinclair Spectrum. (Uploaded with T/S X-Modem.) ---- CALIFLST.DOC - Text List of Fido systems in the 213 and 714 areas. ---- ECHOLIST.ZIP - Other Echolist from Zone 8 headquarters ( for Ed Grey only ) ---- ACOPY30.LBR - CP/M File copy utility, both fast and with useful options. ---- Z8E-35.LBR - CP/M Simply, the single best Z-80 debugger I've ever encountered (for free). It's absolutely wonderful! ---- VLU108.LBR - CP/M Update to VLU102.lbr. It provides more of the features in NULU (adding/deleting LBR members, etc). ---- TRENTON1.MSG - Text Prelim. announcement (March22, 1990) aout the al-day 8-bit session on CP/M and Z-Systemat the Treton Computr Festival April 21-22, 1990. This wll be the bst sessionever! ---- FM.OBJ - CP/M This is a Font Mangager for CP/M on the Epson QX/10, but it should probably work on other CP/M systems. It allows you to design a custom font by editing individual pixels. ---- EDB2.LSN - Text Ed DeBoer's response to Programming lesson #2. An ASCII text file, containing the programs and comments. One program from MS-DOS BASICA and one from T/S2068. ---- OLDNAME.TXT - Text THIS is the old dirty version of CRAZY NAME. It was written several years ago by me. It has been in TS-1000, TS-2068 and Apple II+ versions by me, but alas, the code is gone. You are free to convert it to run on any machine you wish, if desired. It includes typewriter simulation with clicks and cariage return noises. These can be delete if desired without hurting the program. The poke just selects upper c case, and is not necessary.-=JURUPA JIM=- ---- NAME.TXT - Text This is CRAZY NAME. Unfortunately I foregot to include the cariage r returns. This includes Pig Latin, Spoonerism, (interchange first letter of both names), Vowlism (use different vowels in place of originals) and Polish which adds SKI to name. It also prints name backward and alphabeticly. Perhaps Mr. Grey could run it through the filter to include cariage returns (I hope). This is a clean version. I will also include an old dirty version for comparison.-=JURUPA JIM= ---- FREDC2.LSN - Text This is lesson 2. Not quite right, but partial credit is better than none at all! fred ---- CURSOR.PS - Timex/SINC File sent in specterm format. Pascal source code for the procdure CURSOR(X,Y). This procedure will place the cursor on any print location on the screen. Important note: The procedure itself does not error trap and if supplied with bad data WILL crash your program. Therefore, be sure to use MOD or some other type of error checking. Details and demo within listing. ---- SCREEN.PS - Timex/SINC File sent in specterm format. Pascal source code for procedures to load a Screen$ file from a LARKEN disc within Pascal. Details and demonstration within listing ---- CLSTST.PS - Timex/SINC File sent in specterm format. This is source code for a Pascal procedure which will clear the and "home" the cursor to the upper left hand corner of the screen. Details and demonstration within listing. ---- DOS2.PS - Timex/SINC This program when compiled will show how data stored in Pascal records or variables can be transfered to and from the LARKEN disc system. The procedures Save(n,s,l) and Load(n,s,l) serve the same function for disc as the TIN(), TOUT() do for tape. Sorce code listing (in specterm format) includes details and demonstration. ---- JIMSLES2.TXT - Text This is my version of lesson 1 with cariage returns and line feeds for those who need them. The lines have been split so as not to 64 columns. This version will not run on the QL unless the cariage returns are removed. This is written fir DP Turbo. -=JURUPA JIM=- ---- MOUSE.DOC - TeleVideo This is an ASCII dwng of a possible mouse implementation for the TeleVideo 803/TPC-1. ---- P+S.LBR - CP/M Punctuation+Style is a prose checker. The first pass (Punctuation) checks for mistakes in punctuation. The second pass (Style) finds repeated phrases, ambiguous phrases, and gives suggested corrections. Mainly for straight, factual writing. Not all styles of writing are suited to this. ---- UNDELETE.LBR - CP/M Somewhat more advanced program than UNERASE. Does a little more checking to be sure the entire file is there. Running SAP after an erase is a sure way to lose the file, even though UNERASE may find part of it. ---- LT29.LBR - CP/M No, CP/M isn't dead in the water. Improvements are still being made! This classic file typer, and .LBR typer/extractor by C.B. Falconer now handles LZH decompression (?Y?). CHEERS!!!!!!! Dick Fairbanks <^_^> ---- RISTAD1.LSN - CP/M Programming lesson 1 assignement. ---- JIMCOOK.LSN - Other THIS is my version of lesson 1. It is Written for DP Turbo, and uses some of the advanced features available in Turbo and Super Basic. I hope it helps some of you. -=JURUPA JIM=- ---- LHZCPM.LZH - CP/M COMPATA IN LHARC THE FILE ---- MURY.DOC - Text A short file of murphys laws and other related stuff. More to test. my transfer program. ---- EDB1.LSN - Other PROGRAMMING LESSONS ---- DBUTIL.LBR - dBASE Some menu and form generating programs for dBASEII form Ashton-Tate. ---- DB2HELP.LBR - dBASE An interactive help system (requires dBASEII) that is pretty self- explanatory. Also includes some helpful information contained in some text files. ---- MAGIKEY.ARK - CP/M This is a key re-definition program. It is a commercial program that has been released to shareware. A $10 contribution is requested if you like it. Complete documentation in included here. ---- LIBRARY.LBR - dBASE Library Cross-Referencing System allows the user to store references to journal articles and books, along with a list of keywords (or subjects) for each reference. It automatically maintains a history of all keywords that are in the database. New additions and changes are automatically updated to the keywords database. ---- SOCAL059.LST - Text Latest release of SOCAL.LiST--out wid de old, in wid de new... Mike's Corner PBBS 213-422-7942 (24/12/3) ---- SOCAL059.LZT - Text Lastest release of SOCAL.LiST--out wid the old, in wid de new... Mike's Xerox Corner BBS 213422-7942 (24/12/3) ---- MORSE20.BAS - CP/M This is Sergio Cerskov's "Morse Manipulator" (originally written on the ZX-Spectrum in Sinclair Basic), converted to be run under MBASIC (Microsoft's Basic-80) on CP/M computers. As configured it is writ- ten for running on TeleVideo 803/803H & TPC-I computers, but will probably run as-is on other TeleVideo computers & with little, if any change on other CP/M computers. If the dashes seem too long, change all 3's to 2's in Data lines (200-215)..... Carl Forst ---- DBSHOP30.LBR - dBASE dBSAE Shopper helps to ease the pain of grocery chopping. It is a completely menu-driven program that allows for easy cusomization. You can make your grocery list sorted by aisle of your favorite stores (up to 26 of them!) Also features a comment field for coupons or other savings. ---- DOZ.LBR - dBASE This is a 'front end' menu system for dBASEII that is a good shell for those who do not know enough about the program. Everything is menu-driven and prompts for each entry from the operator. It should not replace learning the program, but is good at what it does. ---- FREDC1.LSN - Other This is lesson 1 of the programming class from Fred Carrick, of Phoenix, AZ. ---- FORST-1B.LSN - Other Basic Lesson #1 ("Homework") programmed by Carl Forst in "MBasic" ("Basic-80") for use on CP/M computers running MBasic. Change exten- sion to ".BAS" to load into MBasic & run. ---- FORST-1A.LSN - Other Basic Lesson #1 ("Homework") programmed by Carl Forst in Sinclair Basic for the T/S-2068 (or ZX-Spectrum). (NOTE: Uploaded with X-Modem). ---- LHARC.OBJ - CP/M The LHARC compressor utility. Similar to the MSDOS and Amiga LHARCs it creates archive files fully compatible with them. Using the Huffman compression, it is very useful and good:creates archives smaller than those created with any other compressor under C CP/M. LZH files can be dissolved with LHRD11 ! ---- DB2SHL30.LZH - dBASE Program for DBase II. You need just 1 disk drive. Tprogram akes a Shell for doing some operations via menu. ---- TPC1.LBR - TeleVideo This is a collection of files that use the graphics facilities of the TPC-1/TS-803 and that permit investigation of the TPC1 ROM and key- board, etc. Written by John Warkentin. ---- LHARC.CZ - CP/M This is a version of the famous and efficient LHARC compressor for CP/M 2 or 3. I've uploaded only the C source program becouse the object code is very great. Decrunch it with UNCR and compile it with AZTEC-C II v1.05. If you have any problem leave me a message on this BBS. Enjoy yourself with this program. Francesco Duranti, Rome Italy ---- AMST-RLE.BZS - CP/M This file will run ".RLE" files on the AMSTRAD PCW's Mallard Basic. ---- GOVTBBS.LZT - Other Up-to-date list of Government BBS's just uploaded from a Washington D.C. BBS. ---- RLE.BAS - RLE This file is for running under MiocroSoft's "Basic-80" (MBASIC) on a computer operating under CP/M, with graphic capabilities, but for which no specific .RLE display program has been written. This pro- gram will require editing in accord with the requirements of specific computers, and when completed, should display .RLE (Run-Length-Enco- ded) pictures on their screens. ---- 89-TAX.LBR - CP/M You guessed it. This is the 1989 tax preparation program. Handles the Federal 1040 and the California 540 forms and schedules. Requires SuperCalc (1.12 or better). Enjoy!!!! ---- LKLIBR.PS - Timex/SINC Pascal library of Larken Dos Procedures. Spectrum header type file. This HiSoft Pascal Source code file provides Larken dos commands for programs in compiled Pascal. Such commands are: OPENFILE, RDCHAR, EOF, CLOSE, GOTODV & CATALOG. ---- GPRINT.QL - Timex/SINC This is asimple sideways basic screen dump for the QL using an Epson compatible printer out of SER1 (or SER2). ---- MON.QL - Timex/SINC KURT! This is the Schematic for hooking up a RGB monitor to the QL. The file is a QL screen file. Run it by LBYTES filename,131072. It includes all pinouts and the hookup for a 74LS04 to inverthe horrizontal sync when reqiured. -=JURUPA JIM=- ---- CALENDAR.BAS - Timex/SINC The is a calendar program for the QL. ---- QCOPY115.BAS - Timex/SINC Microdrive copy program ver 1.15. ---- DARTS2.BAS - Timex/SINC A dart game for the QL. ---- DARTS.BAS - Timex/SINC A dart board game for the QL. (Not sure if this file uploaded correctly so I will upload it agin as DARTS2.bas) ---- RCPM1289.LBR - Other North American RCP/M BBS List for December, 1989, (and associated files). ---- LOTTO.LBR - CP/M Now you, too, can win the Lottery!!! This will help you pick numbers for the California, Arizona, and many other states' lottery drawings. I've been using it for some time now, but YOU may be able to win. The .DOC file tells how to customize the program for your needs. Good Luck! fred ---- HOBBIT.BAS - CP/M This is a maze game in which you have to find the Orb. Also, you will find wizards, goblins, and such, most of which will not help you in any way. It is in MBASIC and it ran on my Morrow MD3. Have fun with it. fred ---- ROYALOAK.DZR - CP/M Directory of all files available for downloading from the Royal Oak BBS in Detroit, as of Oct.19,'89. Royal Oak has what is probably one of the largest collections of CP/M files on any BBS in the country. Royal Oak is once again accessible via PC-Pursuit through the use of a "call-diverter" number, which is explained at the head of this file ---- SOCAL058.ARC - Other Latest releae of SOCAL.LiST; in with the new and out with the old... Mike's Corner PBBS 213-422-7942 24/12/3 ---- -----------------------====={ }=====------------------------