Mah Jongg -V-G-A Tile Sets

*** NOTE ***

Tile sets numbered above V99.TIS will not work with Mah Jong -V-G-A- 
version 2.1 unless they are renumbered to numbers in the range 
V00.TIS to V99.TIS. It also appears that version 3.0 requires at 
least one tile set to be numbered in the range V00.TIS to V99.TIS.

Ron Balewski's Mah Jongg -V-G-A- version 2.1 or later is required to 
use these tile sets.  Mah Jongg -V-G-A- is a SHAREWARE package and 
you can get it from many bulletin boards and disk distributors.

To use these tile sets, simply copy them into your Mah Jongg -V-G-A- 
subdirectory, then use the T (L in v3.0) command to load them into 
the game.  Note that if you have any similarly named tile sets, you 
may have to re-name one or more of these files or you'll destroy your 