Reviewing your all-important notebook.
Hint: Who did you befriend?
Hint: Where did you get food items?
Hint: From whom did you take useful items?
Hint: Who did you find murdered?
Hint: What are the secret entrances?
Hint: What objects were used more than once?
Hint: Whose suitcase held an object you needed?
Hint: What valuable object did you find?
Hint: Did you find a religious article?
Hint: What objects need close scrutiny?
Hint: Who gambled, who embezzled, who had a scent, and who won't sell?
Hint: What romances did you uncover?
Hint: Who wants to end an affair?
Hint: Who has an embarrassing medical history?
Hint: What objects changed locations?
Hint: What is the final loction of most of the bodies?
Hint: Who fought?
Hint: Who has a secret, used the secret passages, and murdered the most?
Hint: How early can you go to the attic?